Columbia Encyclopedia

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Frederick VIII, king of Denmark

(Encyclopedia)Frederick VIII, 1843–1912, king of Denmark (1906–12), son and successor of Christian IX. He fought in the war with Prussia in 1864 and always retained an interest in military affairs. He was succe...

Foakes-Jackson, Frederick John

(Encyclopedia)Foakes-Jackson, Frederick John, 1855–1941, English theologian and church historian. A fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, from 1886, he was lecturer there from 1882 and dean from 1895 to 1916. From ...

Taizé Community

(Encyclopedia)Taizé Community tāzāˈ [key], ecumenical Christian community based in Taizē, Burgundy, France. The community was founded by Roger Schutz, 1915–2005, a Swiss Protestant theologian who came to Tai...

Nag Hammadi

(Encyclopedia)Nag Hammadi näg häˈmädi [key], a town in Egypt near the ancient town of Chenoboskion, where, in 1945, a large cache of gnostic texts in the Coptic language was discovered. The Nag Hammadi manuscri...

Justin Martyr, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Justin Martyr, Saint, c.a.d. 100–c.a.d. 165, Christian apologist, called also Justin the Philosopher. Born in Samaria of pagan parents, he studied philosophy, and after his conversion in Ephesus to ...

Eddy, Mary Baker

(Encyclopedia)Eddy, Mary Baker, 1821–1910, founder of the Christian Science movement, b. Bow, N.H. As physical frailty prevented her regular school attendance, she spent the early part of her education learning a...

Hattin, Battle of

(Encyclopedia)Hattin, Battle of hättēnˈ [key], battle on July 4, 1187, in N Palestine, where Saladin's Muslim forces defeated the Christian armies of Guy de Lusignan. When Saladin attacked Tiberias in July, 1187...


(Encyclopedia)hermeneutics, the theory and practice of interpretation. During the Reformation hermeneutics came into being as a special discipline concerned with biblical criticism. The Protestant theologian Friedr...

Gaius, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Gaius gāˈyəs [key], in the New Testament. 1 Corinthian Christian, Paul's host. 2 Corinthian baptized by Paul. 3 Companion of Paul, native of Derbe. 4 Macedonian companion of Paul. 5 Christian to wh...


(Encyclopedia)Prudentius (Aurelius Clemens Prudentius) pro͞odĕnˈshəs [key], b. 348, Christian Latin poet, b. Spain. He wrote a number of hymns, occasional Christian lyrics, and poems on saints. Although he held...

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