Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Danton, Georges Jacques

(Encyclopedia)Danton, Georges Jacques zhōrzh zhäk däNtôNˈ [key], 1759–94, French statesman, one of the leading figures of the French Revolution. A Parisian lawyer, he became a leader of the Cordeliers early ...

Clouzot, Henri-Georges

(Encyclopedia)Clouzot, Henri-Georges äNrēˈ-zhôrzh clo͞ozōˈ [key], 1907–77, French film director, master of the Gallic noir cinema. His career spanned 40 years, but he was plagued by ill health and complete...

Amboise, Georges d'

(Encyclopedia)Amboise, Georges d' zhôrzh däNbwäzˈ [key], 1460–1510, French statesman, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He became archbishop of Rouen in 1493. In 1498, as an intimate friend of the new ki...

Henry, Pierre Georges

(Encyclopedia)Henry, Pierre Georges, 1927–2017, French composer noted for his contributions to electronic music. He studied with Nadia Boulanger and Olivier Messiaen at the Paris Conservatory, where he met Pierre...

Escoffier, Georges Auguste

(Encyclopedia)Escoffier, Georges Auguste zhôrzh ôgüstˈ ĕskôfyāˈ [key], 1846–1935, French authority on cooking. Regarded by some as the greatest chef in history, he went to work at the age of 13 in his unc...

Nivelle, Robert Georges

(Encyclopedia)Nivelle, Robert Georges rôbĕrˈ zhôrzh nēvĕlˈ [key], 1856–1924, French general. His services in World War I gained him the post of chief assistant to General Pétain at Verdun, and he was late...

Lemaître, Georges, Abbé

(Encyclopedia)Lemaître, Georges, Abbé ləmĕtˈrə [key], 1894–1966, Belgian astrophysicist, mathematician, and Catholic priest. In 1927 he became professor of astrophysics at the Univ. of Louvain and proposed...

Pire, Georges Henri

(Encyclopedia)Pire, Georges Henri zhôrzh äNrēˈ pēr [key], 1910–69, Belgian priest. He entered a Dominican monastery at the age of 18 and was ordained in 1934. He taught moral philosophy and sociology and dur...

Boulanger, Georges Ernest

(Encyclopedia)Boulanger, Georges Ernest zhôrzh ĕrnĕstˈ bo͞oläNzhāˈ [key], 1837–91, French general and reactionary politician. He served in North Africa and Indochina, and in the Franco-Prussian War. Later...

Corvo, Baron

(Encyclopedia)Corvo, Baron: see Rolfe, Frederick William. ...

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