Columbia Encyclopedia

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311 results found

Anguier, François

(Encyclopedia)Anguier, François fräNswäˈ äNgyāˈ [key], 1604–69, French sculptor. He is noted for the monuments of the Longuevilles and of Jacques Souvré (Louvre). His most ambitious work is probably the m...


(Encyclopedia)Jean zhäN [key], 1921–2019, grand duke of Luxembourg (1964–2000); son of Charlotte, grand duchess of Luxembourg, and Felix, prince of Bourbon-Parma. He fought with Great Britain's Irish Guards in...

Carnot, Hippolyte

(Encyclopedia)Carnot, Hippolyte ēpôlētˈ kärnōˈ [key], 1801–88, French statesman; son of Lazare Carnot. He shared his father's exile after 1815 and returned to France in 1823. A follower of Claude Henri de ...

silicon carbide

(Encyclopedia)silicon carbide, chemical compound, SiC, that forms extremely hard, dark, iridescent crystals that are insoluble in water and other common solvents. Widely used as an abrasive, it is marketed under su...


(Encyclopedia)pseudonym so͞oˈdənĭm [key] [Gr.,=false name], name assumed, particularly by writers, to conceal identity. A writer's pseudonym is also referred to as a nom de plume (pen name). Famous examples in ...

Loubet, Émile François

(Encyclopedia)Loubet, Émile François āmēlˈ fräNswäˈ lo͞obāˈ [key], 1838–1929, president of the French republic (1899–1906). As a member of the chamber of deputies, he advocated secular education. Aft...

Caillaux, Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Caillaux, Joseph zhôzĕfˈ kāyōˈ [key], 1863–1944, French statesman. Son of a former cabinet minister, he entered the French civil service as inspector of finance. He later became finance minist...

Sturm und Drang

(Encyclopedia)Sturm und Drang shto͝orm o͝ont dräng [key] or Storm and Stress, movement in German literature that flourished from c.1770 to c.1784. It takes its name from a play by F. M. von Klinger, Wirrwarr; od...

Turenne, Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, vicomte de

(Encyclopedia)Turenne, Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, vicomte de äNrēˈ də lä to͞or dōvĕrˈnyə vēkôNtˈ də tərĕnˈ [key], 1611–75, marshal of France, one of the greatest of French commanders. The son o...

Davis, Stuart

(Encyclopedia)Davis, Stuart, 1894–1964, American painter, b. Philadelphia, studied with Robert Henri in New York City. At the age of 19 he did drawings and covers for The Masses and exhibited in the Armory Show. ...

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