Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Baur, Ferdinand Christian

(Encyclopedia)Baur, Ferdinand Christian fĕrˈdĭnänt krĭsˈtēän bour [key], 1792–1860, German Protestant theologian. He was from 1826 on the theological faculty of Tübingen. He became convinced of Hegel's p...

Bax, Ernest Belfort

(Encyclopedia)Bax, Ernest Belfort, 1854–1926, English socialist philosopher. He studied music and philosophy in Germany. In England, influenced by Marxist and other radical thought, he became active in socialist ...

Beattie, James

(Encyclopedia)Beattie, James, 1735–1803, Scottish poet and essayist. Educated at Marischal College, Aberdeen, he later became professor of moral philosophy there. His fame in his own lifetime rested on two works,...

Stephansson, Stephan Guðmunðsson

(Encyclopedia)Stephansson, Stephan Guðmunðsson stĕfˈän güᵺˈmünᵺs-sŏn stĕfˈäns-sŏn [key], 1853–1927, Icelandic novelist and poet. In 1873, Stephansson emigrated to the United States, then Canada, ...

Brinton, Crane

(Encyclopedia)Brinton, Crane (Clarence Crane Brinton), 1898–1968, American historian, b. Winsted, Conn. He received his Ph.D. from Oxford in 1923 and began teaching at Harvard the same year, becoming full profess...

Black, Max

(Encyclopedia)Black, Max, 1909–88, American analytical philosopher, b. Baku, Russia (now Bakı, Azerbaijan), grad. Cambridge, Ph.D. Univ. of London, 1939. He taught at the Univ. of Illinois (1940–46) before goi...


(Encyclopedia)Philo jo͞odēˈəs [key] [Lat.,=Philo the Jew], c.20 b.c.–c.a.d. 50, Alexandrian Jewish philosopher. His writings have had an enormous influence on both Jewish and Christian thought, and particular...


(Encyclopedia)Yogacara yōˌgəkärˈə [key] [Skt.,=yoga practice], philosophical school of Mahayana Buddhism, also known as the Vijnanavada or Consciousness School. The founders of this school in India were Maitr...


(Encyclopedia)Aristippus ărĭstĭpˈəs [key], c.435–c.360 b.c., Greek philosopher of Cyrene, first of the Cyrenaics. He held pleasure to be the highest good and virtue to be identical with the ability to enjoy....

More, Paul Elmer

(Encyclopedia)More, Paul Elmer, 1864–1937, American critic, educator, and philosopher, b. St. Louis. More taught Sanskrit and classical literature and then was a newspaper editor until 1914, after which he wrote ...

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