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500 results found

Metzinger, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Metzinger, Jean zhäN mĕtsăNzhārˈ [key], 1883–1956, French painter and writer. With Gleizes he wrote Du cubisme (1912, tr. 1913), which presented the philosophical basis of the cubist aesthetic....

Monnet, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Monnet, Jean zhäNˈ mônāˈ [key], 1888–1979, French economist and public official, proponent of European unity. In World War I, Monnet served on the Inter-Allied Maritime Commission, an internati...

Nicolet, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Nicolet, Jean zhäN nēkôlāˈ [key], 1598?–1642, French explorer in the Old Northwest. He came to New France with Samuel de Champlain in 1618. In 1634, under the direction of Champlain, he took a ...

Nouvel, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Nouvel, Jean zhäN no͞ovĕlˈ [key], 1945–, French architect, grad. École des Beaux-Arts, Paris (1971). He opened his own firm in 1975, and became known for innovative techniques, the use of moder...

Paul, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Paul, Jean: see Richter, Johann Paul Friedrich. ...

Mabillon, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Mabillon, Jean zhäN mäbēyôNˈ [key], 1623–1707, French scholar, a Benedictine monk. His De re diplomatica (1681; with a supplementary volume, 1704) was the first attempt to develop a critical me...

Lurçat, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Lurçat, Jean zhäN lürsăˈ [key], 1892–1966, French artist and writer. Lurçat worked as a painter and lithographer, illustrating numerous books. He is best known, however, as a tapestry designer...

Arp, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Arp, Jean or Hans, 1887–1966, French sculptor and painter. Arp was connected with the Blaue Reiter in Munich, various avant-garde groups in Paris, including the surrealists, and the Dadaists in Zür...

Lannes, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Lannes, Jean zhäN län [key], 1769–1809, marshal of France. He fought under Napoleon Bonaparte (later Napoleon I) in the Italian and Egyptian campaigns, supported his coup of 18 Brumaire, and disti...

Laffite, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Laffite, Jean zhäN läfētˈ [key], c.1780–1826?, leader of a band of privateers and smugglers. The name is often spelled Lafitte. He and his men began operating (1810) off the Baratarian coast S o...

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