Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

handball, court

(Encyclopedia)handball, court, indoor or outdoor game played by striking a ball against a wall or walls with the palm of the hand. Play may be for singles or doubles (four players) on a court with one, three, or fo...

police court

(Encyclopedia)police court, court with jurisdiction limited to minor offenses, chiefly the least grave misdemeanors and breaches of municipal ordinances. In practice the trial is usually held before a judge sitting...

Hague Tribunal

(Encyclopedia)Hague Tribunal, popular name for the Permanent Court of Arbitration established in 1899 by a convention of the First Hague Peace Conference to facilitate arbitration and other forms of dispute resolut...

Jessup, Philip Caryl

(Encyclopedia)Jessup, Philip Caryl, 1897–1986, American authority on international law, b. New York City, grad. Hamilton College, 1919, LL.B. Yale, 1924, Ph.D. Columbia, 1927. He was admitted (1925) to the bar, a...

Institute of International Law

(Encyclopedia)Institute of International Law, Fr., Institut de Droit International, private international organization, est. 1873 in Ghent, Belgium, dedicated to the study, development, and implementation of intern...

International System of Units

(Encyclopedia)International System of Units, officially called the Système International d'Unités, or SI, system of units adopted by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures (1960). It is based on the ...

Bustamante, Antonio Sánchez de

(Encyclopedia)Bustamante, Antonio Sánchez de də bo͞ostämänˈtā [key], 1865–1951, Cuban authority on international law, author of the Bustamante Code. A delegate to the Paris Peace Conference (1919), he was...

Altamira y Crevea, Rafaél

(Encyclopedia)Altamira y Crevea, Rafaél räfäĕlˈ ältämēˈrä ē krāvāˈä [key], 1866–1951, Spanish jurist and historian. He was appointed professor of the history of the law in the universities at Ovied...

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