Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)alloy ălˈoi, əloiˈ [key] [O. Fr.,=combine], substance with metallic properties that consists of a metal fused with one or more metals or nonmetals. Alloys may be a homogeneous solid solution, a he...

Bessemer, Sir Henry

(Encyclopedia)Bessemer, Sir Henry bĕsˈəmər [key], English engineer and inventor, b. Charleton, Hertfordshire. He made experiments to obtain stronger material for gun manufacture and discovered the basic princip...

juvenile delinquency

(Encyclopedia)juvenile delinquency, legal term for behavior of children and adolescents that in adults would be judged criminal under law. In the United States, definitions and age limits of juveniles vary, the max...


(Encyclopedia)Fagersta fäˈgərstäˌ [key], city, Västmanland co., S central Sweden. It is an industrial ...

Bell Island

(Encyclopedia)Bell Island, island, SE N.L., Canada, in Conception Bay, off the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland. The island is 6 mi (9.7 km) long and 3 mi (4.8 km) wide. Its famous undersea iron mines were closed in ...


(Encyclopedia)Vikings, Scandinavian warriors who raided the coasts of Europe and the British Isles from the 9th cent. to the 11th cent. In their language, the word “viking” originally meant a journey, as for tr...

Man, town, Côte d'Ivoire

(Encyclopedia)Man, town (1996 est. pop. 112,600), W central Côte d'Ivoire, at the foot of the Toura Mts. It is an administrative and commercial center for a region producing coffee, cacao, kola nuts, rice, and cas...

Chassériau, Théodore

(Encyclopedia)Chassériau, Théodore tāōdôrˈ shäsārēōˈ [key], 1819–56, French painter, b. Santo Domingo. He entered Ingres's studio at the age of 12; five years later he gained immediate recognition with...


(Encyclopedia)Gezer gēˈzər [key], ancient city of Canaan, on the coastal plain of Sharon, NW of Jerusalem. Its position guarding the road from Jerusalem to Jaffa has always given it importance, e.g., in the wars...


(Encyclopedia)avatara ăvˌətârə [key] [Skt.,=descent], incarnations of Hindu gods, especially Vishnu. The doctrine of avatara first occurs in the Bhagavad-Gita, where Krishna declares: “For the preservation o...

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