Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)limestone, sedimentary rock wholly or in large part composed of calcium carbonate. It is ordinarily white but may be colored by impurities, iron oxide making it brown, yellow, or red and carbon making...


(Encyclopedia)Osaka ōˈsäkä [key], city (1990 pop. 2,623,801), capital of Osaka prefecture, S Honshu, Japan, on Osaka Bay, at the mouth of the Yodo River. One of Japan's largest cities and principal industrial a...


(Encyclopedia)nucleosynthesis or nucleogenesis, in astronomy, production of all the chemical elements from the simplest element, hydrogen, by thermonuclear reactions within stars, supernovas, and in the big bang at...


(Encyclopedia)Graeae or Graiae both: grēˈī [key], in Greek mythology, daughters of Ceto and Phorcus, called Deino, Enyo, and Pemphredo. The personifications of old age, they were born with gray hair and only one...

Arad, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Arad āˈrăd [key], in the Bible, royal town in the Negev, the modern Tell Arad (Israel), S of Hebron. The “king Arad” in the Book of Numbers is a mistranslation for “king of Arad.” It is the...

Agnes, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Agnes, Saint, 4th cent., virgin martyr. A noble Roman girl martyred at the age of 13 after rejecting a well-born suitor. She was included in the Depositio Martyrum of 354. On her feast day lambs are b...

Cotton, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Cotton, Henry (Thomas Henry Cotton), 1907–87, British golfer, b. Cheshire, England. Although he played as a professional at the age of 17, Cotton did not achieve international recognition until he w...

Goldberger, Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Goldberger, Joseph, 1874–1929, American medical research worker, b. Austria-Hungary, grad. Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 1895. He came to the United States at the age of six. He joined the U.S....

Elman, Mischa

(Encyclopedia)Elman, Mischa mĭshˈə ĕlˈmən [key], 1891–1967, Russian-American violinist, b. Kiev. He studied in St. Petersburg with Leopold Auer, and first gained prominence in Berlin at the age of 13. After...


(Encyclopedia)Jesse jĕsˈē [key], in the Bible, the descendant of Rahab, the grandson of Boaz and Ruth, and the father of David. Referring to the restoration of the Davidic monarchy, the Book of Isaiah speaks of ...

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