Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Carus, Paul

(Encyclopedia)Carus, Paul, 1852–1919, American philosopher, born and educated in Germany. For many years he was editor of the Open Court and the Monist, periodicals devoted to philosophy and religion. His philoso...


(Encyclopedia)CE5 CE5 Egypt ēˈjĭpt [key], Arab. Misr, biblical Mizraim, officially Arab Republic o...

Sabatier, Auguste

(Encyclopedia)Sabatier, Auguste ôgo͞ostˈ säbätyāˈ [key], 1839–1901, French Protestant theologian. He was professor (1867–72) of reformed dogmatics at Strasbourg, and from 1877 until his death he was a me...


(Encyclopedia)Amenophis. For ancient Egyptian kings thus names, use Amenhotep.


(Encyclopedia)Ahmose. For ancient Egyptian kings thus named, use Amasis.


(Encyclopedia)Thothmes. For ancient Egyptian kings thus named, use Thutmose.

Wadi Halfa

(Encyclopedia)Wadi Halfa wäˈdē hălˈfə [key], town, N Sudan, on Lake Nubia (Lake Nasser). It is the terminus of a railroad from Khartoum and is the point at which cotton, wheat, livestock, and other goods are ...


(Encyclopedia)Kurdufan kôrˌdəfănˈ [key], region (1983 pop. 3,093,294), S central Sudan. Kurdufan is divided into Northern and Southern Kurdufan states. Its terrain, generally level in the north, rises in the s...


(Encyclopedia)Mahdi mäˈdē [key] [Arab.,=he who is divinely guided], in Sunni Islam, the restorer of the faith. He will appear at the end of time to restore justice on earth and establish universal Islam. The Mah...


(Encyclopedia)Genubath gēnyo͞oˈbăth [key], in the Bible, son of the exile Hadad and an Egyptian princess. He was reared with Pharaoh's sons. ...

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