Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Amon, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Amon āˈmŏn [key] [Heb.,=trustworthy]. 1 King of Judah (642–640 b.c.), son and successor of Manasseh. According to Chronicles, he was inattentive to the worship of God, and the accounts accordingl...

Gaddi, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Gaddi gădˈī [key], in the Bible, Manassite sent by Moses into Canaan. ...

Gaius, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Gaius gāˈyəs [key], in the New Testament. 1 Corinthian Christian, Paul's host. 2 Corinthian baptized by Paul. 3 Companion of Paul, native of Derbe. 4 Macedonian companion of Paul. 5 Christian to wh...

Ar, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Ar är [key], city of Moab, probably one of the important centers E of the Dead Sea. The Greeks called it Areopolis, and later it was called Rabbath Moab. References to it in the Bible are numerous. ...

Joseph, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Joseph, one of the heroes of the patriarchal narratives of the Book of Genesis. He is presented as the favored son of Jacob and Rachel, sold as a boy into slavery by his brothers, who were jealous of ...

Arad, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Arad āˈrăd [key], in the Bible, royal town in the Negev, the modern Tell Arad (Israel), S of Hebron. The “king Arad” in the Book of Numbers is a mistranslation for “king of Arad.” It is the...

Jason, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Jason, in the New Testament. 1 St. Paul's host at Thessalonica. 2 Companion of Paul at Corinth, perhaps the same as 1. ...

Joanna, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Joanna, in the New Testament. 1 Wife of Herod's steward Chuza. She was a follower of Jesus and was one who found the tomb empty. 2 Ancestor of St. Joseph. ...

Aquila, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Aquila ăkˈwĭlə, əkwĭlˈə [key], in the New Testament, Christian of Jewish origin from Pontus who lived at Rome. He and his wife, Prisca or Priscilla, were friendly to Paul. ...

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