Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Pekah pēˈkə [key], in the Bible, king of Israel. He was a general under King Pekahiah and murdered him for the throne. As the head of an anti-Assyrian coalition, he went to war with Ahaz of Judah. ...

Marenzio, Luca

(Encyclopedia)Marenzio, Luca lo͞oˈkä märĕnˈtsēō [key], 1553–1599, Italian composer, in whose works the Renaissance madrigal reached its peak of development. He served the Gonzaga family in Mantua, the Med...

Arpad, chief of the Magyars

(Encyclopedia)Arpad ŏrˈpäd [key], c.840–907?, chief of the Magyars. He led his people into Hungary c.895. The leaders of the Magyars and the first dynasty of Hungarian kings (St. Stephen I to Andrew III) were ...


(Encyclopedia)Lewes lo͞oˈĭs, –ĭz [key], town (1991 pop. 14,499) and district, East Sussex, SE England. The county seat of East Sussex, Lewes is a farm market with light manufactures. St. Pancras priory was fo...

Ardashir II

(Encyclopedia)Ardashir II, king of Persia (379–83), of the Sassanid, or Sassanian, dynasty. A provincial governor under Shapur II, he succeeded to the throne. He earned popularity by remitting taxes, but his rule...


(Encyclopedia)Carmona kärmōˈnä [key], town, Sevilla prov., SW Spain, in Andalusia. It is a farm center ...


(Encyclopedia)Blarney, village, Co. Cork, SE Republic of Ireland. Those who kiss the Blarney Stone, placed in an almost inaccessible position near the top of the thick stone wall of the 15th-century castle, are sup...


(Encyclopedia)Pul pŭl [key], in the Old Testament. 1 Assyrian king, invader of Israel, known as Tiglathpileser III. 2 African region. Probably the same as Phut or Punt. ...


(Encyclopedia)Serowe sĕrōˈwā [key], town (1989 est. pop. 90,000), E central Botswana. Located in a fertile, well-watered area, it is a trade and commerce center. There is a memorial to Khama III, chief of the N...

Edgar Atheling

(Encyclopedia)Edgar Atheling ăthˈəlĭng [key] [O.E. ætheling,=son of the king], 1060?–1125?, English prince, grandson of Edmund Ironside. After the death of King Harold at the battle of Hastings in 1066, Edga...

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