Columbia Encyclopedia

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257 results found

Lennep, Jacob van

(Encyclopedia)Lennep, Jacob van yäˈkōp vän lĕnˈĕp [key], 1802–68, Dutch writer. He was state's attorney (1852) and served in the legislature (1853–56). He is best known for his historical novels influenc...

Camerarius, Rudolph Jacob

(Encyclopedia)Camerarius, Rudolph Jacob kămərârˈēəs, Ger. ro͞oˈdôlf yäˈkôp käməräˈrēo͝os [key], 1665–1721, German botanist and physician. The first to present a clear and definite picture of sex...

Brown, Jacob Jennings

(Encyclopedia)Brown, Jacob Jennings, 1775–1828, American general, b. Bucks co., Pa. In the War of 1812 he defeated (May, 1813) a British attempt to take Sackets Harbor, N.Y., and the next year became commander of...

Burckhardt, Jacob Christoph

(Encyclopedia)Burckhardt, Jacob or Jakob Christoph yäˈkôp krĭsˈtôf bo͝orkˈhärt [key], 1818–97, Swiss historian, one of the founders of the cultural interpretation of history. He studied under Ranke at th...

Carstens, Asmus Jacob

(Encyclopedia)Carstens, Asmus Jacob äsˈmo͝os yäˈkôp kärˈstəns [key], 1754–98, German historical painter and engraver, b. Schleswig. He studied in Copenhagen and in Italy. He was influenced by the work of...

Ruisdael, Jacob van

(Encyclopedia)Ruisdael or Ruysdael, Jacob van both: yäˈkōp vän roisˈdäl [key], c.1628–1682, Dutch painter and etcher, the most celebrated of the Dutch landscape painters. He studied with his father Isack an...

Zuma, Jacob Gedleyihlekisa

(Encyclopedia)Zuma, Jacob Gedleyihlekisa, 1942–, South African political leader, b. Indkandla, Natal (now KwaZulu-Natal) prov. Zuma received no formal schooling and joined the African National Congress (ANC) when...

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