Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Clouet, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Clouet, Jean both: zhänĕˈ [key], c.1485–1540, portrait and miniature painter. He was court painter and valet de chambre to the French king Francis I. He is thought to have been Flemish and may ha...

Vigo, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Vigo, Jean zhäN vēgōˈ [key], 1905–34, French movie director, whose original name was Jean Almereyda. His reputation is based on two superb films: Zéro de Conduite (1933) and L'Atalante (1934, u...

Mabillon, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Mabillon, Jean zhäN mäbēyôNˈ [key], 1623–1707, French scholar, a Benedictine monk. His De re diplomatica (1681; with a supplementary volume, 1704) was the first attempt to develop a critical me...

Daurat, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Daurat or Dorat, Jean both: zhäN dōräˈ [key], 1508?–1588, French classical scholar. He taught (1546–56) at the Collège de Coqueret at Paris. Among his pupils were the poets Ronsard, Du Bellay...

Brunhes, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Brunhes, Jean brün [key], 1869–1932, French geographer. He was a leading exponent of French systematic, as opposed to regional, geography. He studied human artifacts in the context of environment. ...

Ribaut, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Ribaut or Ribault, Jean both: zhäN rēbōˈ [key], c.1520–65, French mariner and colonizer in Florida, b. Dieppe. When Gaspard de Coligny decided to plant a French colony as an asylum for Huguenots...

Ingelow, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Ingelow, Jean ĭnˈjəlō [key], 1820–97, English author. Her poems are characterized by religious introspection and an intimate knowledge of nature. Among her best-known poems are “High Tide on t...

Duvergier de Hauranne, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Duvergier de Hauranne, Jean zhäN düvĕrzhyāˈ də ōränˈ [key], 1581–1643, French theologian. He is often called the Abbé de Saint-Cyran from an abbacy he held in commendam (i.e., received the...

De Smet, Pierre Jean

(Encyclopedia)De Smet, Pierre Jean pyĕr zhäN də smĕtˈ [key], 1801–73, Jesuit missionary in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, b. Belgium. He emigrated to the United States in 1821, served his novitiate in Florissan...

Dunois, Jean, comte de

(Encyclopedia)Dunois, Jean, comte de zhäN kôNt də dünwäˈ [key], c.1403–1468, French general, called the Bastard of Orléans; natural son of Louis, duc d'Orléans. He joined the Armagnacs in the civil war du...

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