Columbia Encyclopedia

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Millar, John

(Encyclopedia)Millar, John, 1735–1801, Scottish philosopher and historian. Millar studied at Glasgow, where he became the chief disciple of Adam Smith. In 1761 Millar became professor of civil law at Glasgow, and...

Milledge, John

(Encyclopedia)Milledge, John mĭlˈĭj [key], 1757–1818, American political leader, b. Savannah, Ga. In the American Revolution he was a prominent figure in the group that seized (1775) the colonial government at...

Milne, John

(Encyclopedia)Milne, John, 1850–1913, British seismologist, b. Liverpool, educated at King's College and the Royal School of Mines. He worked as a mining engineer in Newfoundland and Labrador and served (1874) as...

Mitchel, John

(Encyclopedia)Mitchel, John, 1815–75, Irish revolutionist and journalist. A practicing lawyer, Mitchel contributed articles to the Nation (Dublin) and the United Irishman, which he founded in 1848, calling for re...

Mitchell, John

(Encyclopedia)Mitchell, John, 1870–1919, American labor leader, b. Braidwood, Ill. He became a miner at the age of 12 and in 1885 joined the Knights of Labor. When the United Mine Workers of America was formed (1...

Masefield, John

(Encyclopedia)Masefield, John mās– [key], 1878–1967, English poet. He went to sea as a youth and later spent several years in the United States. In 1897 he returned to England and was on the staff of the Manch...

Lindley, John

(Encyclopedia)Lindley, John, 1799–1865, English botanist and horticulturist. He organized the first flower shows in England and was influential in preserving the Royal Gardens at Kew (see Kew Gardens). In 1829 he...

Lehmann, John

(Encyclopedia)Lehmann, John lāˈmən [key], 1907–89, English poet, editor, and publisher. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, he began working at Virginia and Leonard Woolf's Hogarth Press in 1931 and manage...

Leland, John

(Encyclopedia)Leland or Leyland, John, c.1506–1552, English antiquary. He was successively chaplain and librarian to Henry VIII. In 1533 he was appointed king's antiquarian, and in this capacity traveled through ...

Lennon, John

(Encyclopedia)Lennon, John: see Beatles, The. ...

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