Columbia Encyclopedia

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Adair, John

(Encyclopedia)Adair, John ədârˈ [key], 1757–1840, American pioneer in Kentucky, b. North Carolina. He went into the Kentucky country in 1786 and became famous as an Indian fighter and as a political leader. In...

Sartain, John

(Encyclopedia)Sartain, John särtānˈ [key], 1808–97, American engraver, b. London. Shortly after his arrival in the United States in 1830, he received important commissions for prints after paintings by leading...

Ross, John

(Encyclopedia)Ross, John, whose name in Cherokee is Kooweskoowe ko͞oˌwĭsˌko͞owēˈ [key], 1790–1866, Native American chief, b. near Lookout Mt., Tenn., of Scottish and Cherokee parents. He was educated at Ki...

Barbour, John

(Encyclopedia)Barbour, John bärˈbər [key], c.1316?–1395, Scottish poet. He was archdeacon of Aberdeen from 1355 until his death. His romance, The Bruce (1375), celebrating Scotland's emancipation from England,...

Barclay, John

(Encyclopedia)Barclay, John, 1734–98, minister of the Church of Scotland and founder of the Bereans or Barclayites. His Without Faith, without God (1769) and other works were unacceptable to his presbytery, and h...

Calvin, John

(Encyclopedia)Calvin, John, 1509–64, French Protestant theologian of the Reformation, b. Noyon, Picardy. The extension of Calvinism to all spheres of human activity was extremely important to a world emerging f...

Cameron, John

(Encyclopedia)Cameron, John kămˈərən [key], c.1579–1625, Scottish scholar and theologian. As teacher, lecturer, and preacher at Bordeaux, Saumur, and other cities on the Continent, he came to be celebrated fo...

Campbell, John

(Encyclopedia)Campbell, John, 1653–1728, American editor, b. Scotland. After emigrating to Boston, he was postmaster of the city from 1702 to 1718 and wrote newsletters for regular patrons. In 1704 he started pri...

Canaday, John

(Encyclopedia)Canaday, John kănˈədāˌ, –dē [key], 1907–85, American art critic, b. Fort Scott, Kans. A columnist for the New York Times, Canaday was noted for taking conservative positions in the art world...

Cantacuzene, John

(Encyclopedia)Cantacuzene, John: see John VI, Byzantine emperor. ...

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