Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Drew, John

(Encyclopedia)Drew, John, 1827–62, American actor, b. Dublin. After establishing a reputation as a comedian in the 1840s, he devoted his energies to the Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, where he maintained a fa...

Dryden, John

(Encyclopedia)Dryden, John, 1631–1700, English poet, dramatist, and critic, b. Northamptonshire, grad. Cambridge, 1654. He went to London about 1657 and first came to public notice with his Heroic Stanzas (1659),...

Dollond, John

(Encyclopedia)Dollond, John dŏlˈənd [key], 1706–61, English optician and inventor. A silk weaver, he taught himself languages, mathematics, and science, becoming a noted scholar as well as a scientist. He inve...

Donne, John

(Encyclopedia)Donne, John dŭn, dŏn [key], 1572–1631, English poet and divine. He is considered the greatest of the metaphysical poets. All of Donne's verse—his love sonnets and his religious and philosophic...

Dudley, John

(Encyclopedia)Dudley, John: see Northumberland, John Dudley, duke of. ...

Dunstable, John

(Encyclopedia)Dunstable, John dŭnˈstəbəl [key], c.1385–1453, English composer. Dunstable is thought to have accompanied his patron, the duke of Bedford, to France. About 60 of his works—nearly all sacred pi...

Dalrymple, John

(Encyclopedia)Dalrymple, John: see Stair, John Dalrymple, 1st earl of, and Stair, John Dalrymple, 2d earl of. ...

Dalton, John

(Encyclopedia)Dalton, John dôlˈtən [key], 1766–1844, English scientist. He revived the atomic theory (see atom), which he formulated in the first volume of his New System of Chemical Philosophy (2 vol., 1808...

Damascene, John

(Encyclopedia)Damascene, John: see John of Damascus, Saint. ...

Craig, John

(Encyclopedia)Craig, John, 1512?–1600, Scottish minister of the Reformation. He joined the Dominican order, but through reading the Institutes of Calvin, he adopted Protestantism. Imprisoned at Rome for heresy, h...

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