Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Kony, Joseph Rao

(Encyclopedia)Kony, Joseph Rao, 1964?–, Ugandan rebel and war criminal. His cousin, Alice Lakwena, led the Holy Spirit Movement against (1986–87) Uganda's President Museveni, and when she was defeated, Kony for...

McCarthy, Eugene Joseph

(Encyclopedia)McCarthy, Eugene Joseph, 1916–2005, U.S. political leader, b. Watkins, Minn. He served (1942–46) as a technical assistant for military intelligence during World War II and then taught (1946–49) ...

McCarthy, Joseph Raymond

(Encyclopedia)McCarthy, Joseph Raymond, 1908–57, U.S. senator from Wisconsin (1947–57), b. near Appleton, Wis. He practiced law in Wisconsin and became (1940) a circuit judge. He served with the U.S. marines in...

McCarthy, Joseph Vincent

(Encyclopedia)McCarthy, Joseph Vincent, 1887–1978, American baseball manager, b. Philadelphia. A manager in the American Association and later (1926–30) in the National League, “Marse Joe,” as he was known,...

McCoy, Joseph Geating

(Encyclopedia)McCoy, Joseph Geating, 1837–1915, American cattle-trade pioneer, b. Sangamon co., Ill. He selected Abilene, Kans., as the site for a railroad shipping center for the marketing of Western cattle. In ...

McGivney, Michael Joseph

(Encyclopedia)McGivney, Michael Joseph, 1852–1890, American Roman Catholic priest, founder of the Knights of Columbus, b. Waterbury, Conn. After studying at seminaries in Canada and the United States, he was orda...

McGraw, John Joseph

(Encyclopedia)McGraw, John Joseph məgrôˈ [key], 1873–1934, American baseball manager, b. Cortland co., N.Y. He began playing professional baseball in 1890 and was (1891–1900) the star third baseman of the re...

Machebeuf, Joseph Projectus

(Encyclopedia)Machebeuf, Joseph Projectus zhôzĕfˈ prôzhĕktüsˈ mäshböfˈ [key], 1812–89, French missionary in the American Southwest, a Roman Catholic priest. He was a friend and associate of Jean Baptist...

Maistre, Joseph de

(Encyclopedia)Maistre, Joseph de zhôzĕfˈ də mĕsˈtrə [key], 1753–1821, French writer and diplomat. Born in Savoy, he was Sardinian ambassador at St. Petersburg from 1803 to 1817. A passionate Roman Catholic...

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