Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Hawkins, Sir John

(Encyclopedia)Hawkins or Hawkyns, Sir John, 1532–95, English admiral. In 1562–63 and in 1564–65 he led extremely profitable expeditions that captured slaves on the W African coast, shipped them across the Atl...

Prado, Museo Nacional del

(Encyclopedia)Prado, Museo Nacional del präˈdō, Span. präˈᵺō [key], Spanish national museum of painting and sculpture, in Madrid, one of the finest in Europe. Situated on the Paseo del Prado, it was begun b...

Liniers, Jacques de

(Encyclopedia)Liniers, Jacques de, Span. Santiago de Liniers y de Bremond säntēäˈgō ᵺā lēnēārsˈ ē ᵺā brāmōndˈ [key], 1753–1810, French officer in Spanish service, viceroy of Río de la Plata. A...

Lenclos, Ninon de

(Encyclopedia)Lenclos, Ninon de nēnôNˈ də läNklōˈ [key], 1620–1705, French beauty and wit. Her real name was Anne de Lenclos. She numbered among her many lovers and friends such eminent men as the Great Co...

Largillière, Nicolas de

(Encyclopedia)Largillière, Nicolas de nēkôläˈ də lärzhēlyĕrˈ [key], 1656–1746, French portrait and history painter, b. Paris. He was brought up in Antwerp, and the influence of Rubens is evident in his ...

Labadie, Jean de

(Encyclopedia)Labadie, Jean de, or Jean de la Badie both: zhäN də lä bädēˈ [key], 1610–74, French mystic, founder of the Labadists, a quietist sect. He had been a Roman Catholic priest, but c.1650 he embrac...

Lafosse, Charles de

(Encyclopedia)Lafosse or La Fosse, Charles de shärl də lä fôs [key], 1636–1716, French painter. A pupil of Le Brun, he was more influenced by Veronese and Correggio, whose works he saw when he was in Italy (1...

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