Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Cierva, Juan de la

(Encyclopedia)Cierva, Juan de la hwän dā lä thyārˈvä [key], 1895–1936, Spanish aeronautical engineer, inventor of a rotary-wing aircraft called an autogiro. He flew his first autogiro in 1923 and crossed th...

Alarcón, Juan Ruiz de

(Encyclopedia)Alarcón, Juan Ruiz de dā älärkōnˈ [key], 1581?–1639, Spanish dramatic poet, one of the great literary figures of the Spanish Golden Age, b. Mexico. After practicing law in Spain (1600–1608)...

Roelas, Juan de las

(Encyclopedia)Roelas or Ruelas, Juan de las hwän dā läs rōāˈläs, ro͞oāˈläs [key], c.1558–1625, Spanish painter of the school of Seville. He is sometimes called the Spanish Tintoretto; there are stylist...

Pérez de Montalván, Juan

(Encyclopedia)Pérez de Montalván, Juan hwän pāˈrāth dā mōntälvänˈ [key], 1602–38, Spanish dramatic poet and novelist. He was the close friend and biographer of Lope de Vega. He wrote 48 plays; among th...

Ponce de León, Juan

(Encyclopedia)Ponce de León, Juan pŏns də lēˈŏn, Span. hwän pōnˈthā dā lāōnˈ [key], c.1460–1521, Spanish explorer, first Westerner to reach Florida. He served against the Moors of Granada, and in 14...

Rosas, Juan Manuel de

(Encyclopedia)Rosas, Juan Manuel de hwän mänwĕlˈ dā rôˈsäs [key], 1793–1877, Argentine dictator, governor of Buenos Aires prov. (1829–32, 1835–52). As a boy he served under Jacques de Liniers against ...

Pueyrredón, Juan Martín de

(Encyclopedia)Pueyrredón, Juan Martín de hwän märtēnˈ dā pwāĭrādōnˈ [key], 1776–1850, Argentine general, supreme director of the United Provinces of La Plata (1816–19). In 1806, when British troops ...

Valdés Leal, Juan de

(Encyclopedia)Valdés Leal, Juan de lāälˈ [key], 1622–90, Spanish baroque painter and etcher, active mainly in Seville and Córdoba. He is especially famous for grimly moralizing subjects, as in Allegory of Va...

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