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(Encyclopedia)Fréjus frāzhüsˈ [key], town, Var dept., SE France. With adjoining Fréjus-Plage, located ...


(Encyclopedia)Pompeia pŏmpēˈyə [key], fl. 61 b.c., Roman matron, wife of Julius Caesar, daughter of Quintus Pompeius Rufus and granddaughter of Sulla. She married Caesar in 67 b.c. and was divorced in 61 b.c., ...

Pascin, Jules

(Encyclopedia)Pascin, Jules zhül päskăNˈ [key], 1885–1930, American painter, b. Bulgaria. Born Julius Pincas, he moved to Paris in 1905. He acquired American citizenship in 1914. Essentially a draftsman, belo...


(Encyclopedia)Thapsus thăpˈsəs [key], ancient N African seaport, c.100 mi (161 km) SE of Carthage in what is now Tunisia. The last stronghold of Pompey's party, the town was besieged in 46 b.c. by Julius Caesar....


(Encyclopedia)Deal, town, Kent, SE England, on the Downs, an important passage for Channel shipping. It is a popular holiday resort. There is some boat building. Othe...

Bar Kokba, Simon

(Encyclopedia)Bar Kokba, Simon, or Simon Bar Cochba kōkˈbə [key] [Heb.,=son of the star], d. a.d. 135, Hebrew hero and leader of a major revolt against Rome under Hadrian (132–135). He may have claimed to be a...

Romulus Augustulus

(Encyclopedia)Romulus Augustulus ôgŭsˈtyo͝oləs [key], d. after 476, last Roman emperor of the West (475–76). His father, the general Orestes, deposed Julius Nepos and proclaimed Romulus Augustulus emperor. O...

Sodoma, Il

(Encyclopedia)Sodoma, Il ēl sôˈdōmä [key], c.1477–1549, Sienese painter, whose real name was Giovanni Antonio Bazzi. Born in Vercelli, Piedmont, he went to Rome c.1508. Commissioned by Pope Julius II, he pai...

Cambrai, League of

(Encyclopedia)Cambrai, League of, 1508–10, alliance formed by Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, King Louis XII of France, Pope Julius II, King Ferdinand V of Aragón, and several Italian city-states against the re...


(Encyclopedia)Ariovistus ârˌēōvĭsˈtəs [key], fl. 58 b.c., Germanic chieftain, leader of the Suebi. He crossed the Rhine c.71 b.c., defeated the Aedui, and came to dominate much of Gaul (see Gallic Wars). In ...

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