Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

hero, in Greek religion

(Encyclopedia)hero, in Greek religion, famous person, who after his death, was worshiped as quasi-divine. The heroes might be actual great men and women, real or imaginary ancestors, or “faded” gods and goddess...

Eris, in Greek religion

(Encyclopedia)Eris ēˈrĭs [key], in Greek religion, goddess of strife. Angered at not being invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, she threw the apple of discord among the wedding guests (see Paris, in Gree...

Isis, in Egyptian religion

(Encyclopedia)Isis īˈsĭs [key], nature goddess whose worship, originating in ancient Egypt, gradually extended throughout the lands of the Mediterranean world during the Hellenistic period and became one of the ...

Set, in Egyptian religion

(Encyclopedia)Set or Seth both: sĕt or sāt [key], in Egyptian religion, god of evil. Set was a sun god of predynastic Egypt, but he gradually degenerated from being a beneficent deity into being a god of evil and...

Ra, in Egyptian religion

(Encyclopedia)Ra rā [key], in Egyptian religion, sun god, one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. Ra was chief of the cosmic deities and was sometimes called the creator and father of all things. Early Eg...

Nut, in Egyptian religion

(Encyclopedia)Nut no͝ot, nŭt [key], in Egyptian religion, sky-goddess. She was the sister-wife of the earth god Geb, to whom she bore Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys. She was sometimes represented with her hands ...

Palladium, in Greek religion

(Encyclopedia)Palladium pəlāˈdēəm [key], in Greek religion, sacred image kept in the temple of Athena at Troy. It was either an image of Athena or an image made by Athena of her unfortunate playmate Pallas (se...

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