Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Curtin, John

(Encyclopedia)Curtin, John, 1885–1945, Australian political leader. A labor union secretary, he edited (1917–28) a labor weekly and was later a member of the lower house—from 1928 to 1941, except for three ye...

Meir, Golda

(Encyclopedia)Meir, Golda māērˈ [key], 1898–1978, Israeli political leader, b. Kiev, Russia, originally named Golda Mabovitch. Her family emigrated to the United States in 1906, settling in Milwaukee. She beca...

Satyarthi, Kailash

(Encyclopedia)Satyarthi, Kailash, 1954–, Indian children's rights activist, b. Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh, as Kailash Sharma. Trained as an electrical engineer, he taught college until 1980 when he began devoting hi...

Gillard, Julia Eileen

(Encyclopedia)Gillard, Julia Eileen gĭˈlärd [key], 1961–, Australian political leader, b. Barry, Wales, B.A., LL.B. Univ. of Melbourne 1986. Gillard, who immigrated to Australia with her parents as a young chi...

Gutzkow, Karl Ferdinand

(Encyclopedia)Gutzkow, Karl Ferdinand kärl fĕrˈdēnänt go͝otsˈkō [key], 1811–78, German writer. He entered journalism in 1831 and became a leader of the antiromantic and nationally conscious literary movem...

white-collar workers

(Encyclopedia)white-collar workers, broad occupational grouping of workers engaged in nonmanual labor; frequently contrasted with blue-collar (manual) employees. American in origin, the term has close analogues in ...


(Encyclopedia)Siauliai shēouˈlyī [key], Ger. Schaulen, Rus. Shavli, city (1993 pop. 147,800), N Lithuania. It is a rail hub and has railroad repair shops. Siauliai is also a major tanning, shoe-manufacturing, an...

Bry, Théodore de

(Encyclopedia)Bry, Théodore de tēōdôrˈ də brē, brī [key], 1528–98, Flemish engraver and publisher, b. Liège. He spent most of his life in Frankfurt-am-Main. He visited London, where he executed a series ...


(Encyclopedia)repartimiento rāpärtēmyĕnˈtō [key], in Spanish colonial practice, usually, the distribution of indigenous people for forced labor. In a broader sense it referred to any official distribution of ...

Anderson, Mary

(Encyclopedia)Anderson, Mary, 1872–1964, American labor expert, chief (1919–44) of the Women's Bureau, U.S. Dept. of Labor, b. Sweden. She emigrated to the United States in 1888. After some years as an industri...

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