Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Kelley, William Darrah

(Encyclopedia)Kelley, William Darrah dârˈə [key], 1814–90, American legislator, b. Philadelphia. He was admitted (1841) to the bar and served (1847–56) as judge of the court of common pleas for Philadelphia....

Evans, George Henry

(Encyclopedia)Evans, George Henry, 1805–56, American labor and agrarian reformer, b. England. After emigrating (1820) to New York City, he edited several newspapers, among them the Workingman's Advocate. He also ...

Morse, Wayne Lyman

(Encyclopedia)Morse, Wayne Lyman, 1900–1974, U.S. Senator (1945–69), b. Madison, Wis. He was a professor of law and later dean at the Univ. of Oregon law school (1931–44) and gained a nationwide reputation as...

Speer, Albert

(Encyclopedia)Speer, Albert älˈbĕrt shpār [key], 1905–81, German architect and National Socialist (Nazi) leader. A member of the Nazi party from 1931, he became its official architect after Hitler came to pow...


(Encyclopedia)chivalry shĭvˈəlrē [key], system of ethical ideals that arose from feudalism and had its highest development in the 12th and 13th cent. Chivalric ethics originated chiefly in France and Spain and ...

Hitchcock, Frank Harris

(Encyclopedia)Hitchcock, Frank Harris, 1867–1935, U.S. Postmaster General (1909–13), b. Amherst, Ohio. After service in the Dept. of Agriculture (1897–1903), the Dept. of Commerce and Labor (1903–5), and as...

International Ladies Garment Workers Union

(Encyclopedia)International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), former U.S. labor union, formed in 1900 by the amalgamation of seven local unions. At the turn of the century most of the workers in the garment ind...

Perón, Eva Duarte de

(Encyclopedia)Perón, Eva Duarte de āˈvä do͞oärˈtā ᵺā pĕrōnˈ [key], 1919–52, Argentine political leader. The second wife of Juan Perón, whom she married in 1945, she virtually co-governed the countr...

Casimir III

(Encyclopedia)Casimir III, 1310–70, king of Poland (1333–70), son of Ladislaus I and last of the Piast dynasty. Called Casimir the Great, he brought comparative peace to Poland. By the Congress of Visegrad (133...


(Encyclopedia)scutage skyo͞oˈtĭj [key], feudal payment, usually in cash, given in lieu of actual military service due from a vassal to an overlord. It applied especially to the vassals of the king. Scutage colle...

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