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Murray, Alexander Stuart

(Encyclopedia)Murray, Alexander Stuart, 1841–1904, Scottish archaeologist. He was assistant keeper (1867–86) and keeper (from 1886) of Greek and Roman antiquities at the British Museum. From 1894 to 1896 he was...

Apollodorus, Greek scholar

(Encyclopedia)Apollodorus (of Athens), fl. 2d cent. b.c., Greek scholar. He wrote many works on grammar, history, and mythology. His best-known books, only fragments of which survive, are On the Gods, a prose treat...


(Encyclopedia)Maia māˈə, mīˈə [key]. 1 In Greek mythology, oldest of the Pleiades. She was the mother of Hermes by Zeus. 2 In Roman mythology, goddess of fertility; also called Maiesta. She was often identifi...


(Encyclopedia)Momus mōˈməs [key], figure in Greek mythology. He was the personification of censure and mockery. ...


(Encyclopedia)Hyperboreans hīˌpərbôrˈēənz, –bôrēˈənz [key], in Greek mythology, people dwelling in a state of perfect bliss in the Far North who were Apollo worshipers. ...


(Encyclopedia)Lethe lēˈthē [key], in Greek mythology, river of forgetfulness in Hades. The dead drank from Lethe upon their arrival in the underworld. ...


(Encyclopedia)Bacchus băkˈəs [key], in Roman religion and mythology, god of wine; in Greek mythology, Dionysus. Dionysus was also the god of tillage and law giving. He was worshiped at Delphi and at the spring f...


(Encyclopedia)Palamedes păləmēˈdēz [key], in Greek mythology, crafty Greek hero of the Trojan War. Because he had exposed Odysseus when he tried to evade going to war, Odysseus falsely accused him of treachery...


(Encyclopedia)Amphitrite ămfĭtrīˈtē [key], in Greek mythology, queen of the sea; daughter of Nereus. She was the wife of Poseidon and mother of Triton. ...


(Encyclopedia)Ogyges ŏjˈĭjēz [key], in Greek mythology, ancient king of Boeotia or Attica. During his reign the Ogygian flood, a vast and destructive deluge, occurred. ...

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