Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Endymion ĕndĭmˈēən [key], in Greek mythology, young shepherd, loved by Selene (the moon). In one version of his legend, he asked Zeus for immortality and perpetual youth. Zeus consented on the co...


(Encyclopedia)Hesperides hĕspĕrˈĭdēz [key], in Greek mythology, daughters of Atlas. They lived in a fabulous garden located at the western extremity of the world. There they guarded (with the aid of the dragon...


(Encyclopedia)Trophonius trəfōˈnēəs [key], in Greek mythology, famous architect. He and his brother Agamedes built the temple of Apollo at Delphi and the treasury of King Hyrieus. According to one legend, Trop...


(Encyclopedia)Cithaeron sĭthēˈrən [key], Gr. Kithairón, mountain range, c.10 mi (16 km) long, central Greece, between Boeotia in the north and Attica in the south. It rises to 4,623 ft (1,409 m). The range was...


(Encyclopedia)Hector, in Greek mythology, leader and greatest hero of the Trojan troops during the Trojan War. He was the eldest son of Priam and Hecuba, the husband of Andromache, and the father by her of Astyanax...


(Encyclopedia)Graeae or Graiae both: grēˈī [key], in Greek mythology, daughters of Ceto and Phorcus, called Deino, Enyo, and Pemphredo. The personifications of old age, they were born with gray hair and only one...


(Encyclopedia)Telamon tĕlˈəmŏn [key], in Greek mythology, son of Aeacus and father of Ajax. He and Peleus killed their half-brother Phocus and were banished from Aegina. Telamon fled to Salamis, where he became...


(Encyclopedia)Procrustes prōkrŭsˈtēz [key], in Greek mythology, cruel highwayman. He forced passersby to lie on a very long bed and then stretched them to fit it. Some said that he also had a very short bed; to...


(Encyclopedia)Arachne ərăkˈnē [key], in Greek mythology, a Lydian woman who challenged Athena to a trial of skill in weaving. When Arachne won, the goddess forced Arachne to hang herself. Athena then turned Ara...


(Encyclopedia)Daphnis dăfˈnĭs [key], in Greek mythology, shepherd, the son of Hermes and a nymph. He was unfaithful to a nymph who loved him, and in revenge she blinded him. He tried to comfort himself by playin...

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