Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Nikopol, town, Bulgaria

(Encyclopedia)Nikopol nēkôˈpôl [key], town (1993 pop. 4,897), N Bulgaria, a port on the Danube River bordering Romania. Farming, viticulture, and fishing are the chief occupations. Founded in 629 by Byzantine e...

Rulers of Spain since 1474 (table)

(Encyclopedia)Rulers of Spain since 1474(including dates of reign) Union of Castile and Aragón Hapsburg Dynasty Bourbon Dynasty French Intrusion Bourbon Restoration Elective Monarchy First Republic ...


(Encyclopedia)Konstanz kônˈstänts [key], Fr. Constance, city (1994 pop. 75,980), Baden-Württemberg, SW Germany, on the Rhine River at the western end of Lake Constance (Bodensee), and near the Swiss border. Its...

Raymond IV, count of Toulouse

(Encyclopedia)Raymond IV, c.1038–1105, count of Toulouse (1093–1105), leader in the First Crusade (see Crusades). He was also count of Saint Gilles and marquis of Provence. The first great prince to take the Cr...

Isaac II

(Encyclopedia)Isaac II (Isaac Angelus) ănˈjələs [key], d. 1204, Byzantine emperor (1185–95, 1203–4). The great-grandson of Alexius I, he was proclaimed emperor by the mob that had killed the unpopular Andro...


(Encyclopedia)Zeno zēˈnō [key], d. 491, Roman emperor of the East (474–491). An Isaurian, he succeeded his son Leo II and was the son-in-law of Leo I. During his reign he suppressed several revolts. He was dri...

Justin II

(Encyclopedia)Justin II, d. 578, Byzantine emperor (565–78), nephew and successor to Justinian I. He allied himself with the Turks and resumed the wars with Persia. During his reign Slavs and Avars attacked the e...

Romanus III

(Encyclopedia)Romanus III (Romanus Argyrus) ärˈjĭrəs [key], c.968–1034, Byzantine emperor (1028–34). An aged senator, he married Zoë and thus succeeded to the throne. A capricious ruler, he depleted his tr...

Romanus IV

(Encyclopedia)Romanus IV (Romanus Diogenes) dīŏjˈənēz [key], d. 1072, Byzantine emperor (1068–71). A Cappadocian general, he succeeded Constantine X by marrying his widow, Eudocia Macrembolitissa. After some...

Andronicus II

(Encyclopedia)Andronicus II (Andronicus Palaeologus) pālēŏlˈəgəs [key], 1258–1332, Byzantine emperor (1282–1328), son and successor of Michael VIII. He devoted himself chiefly to church affairs, renewing ...

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