Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Masséna, André

(Encyclopedia)Masséna, André äNdrāˈ mäsānäˈ [key], 1758–1817, marshal of France, b. Nice. Of humble origin, he entered (1791) the French army and rose rapidly because of his brilliant tactical abilities....

Trent , city, Italy

(Encyclopedia)Trent, Ital. Trento, Latin Tridentum, city (1991 pop. 101,545), capital of Trentino–Alto Adige and of Trent prov., N Italy, on the Adige River and on the road to the Brenner Pass. It is an industria...

Moravia, Alberto

(Encyclopedia)Moravia, Alberto älbĕrˈtō mōräˈvyä [key], 1907–90, Italian novelist, b. Alberto Pincherle; husband of Elsa Morante. Moravia is considered one of the foremost 20th-century Italian novelists. ...


(Encyclopedia)Renaissance rĕnəsänsˈ, –zänsˈ [key] [Fr.,=rebirth], term used to describe the development of Western civilization that marked the transition from medieval to modern times. This article is conc...

Gadda, Carlo Emilio

(Encyclopedia)Gadda, Carlo Emilio kärˈlō āmēˈlyō gädˈdä [key], 1893–1973, Italian novelist. Although trained as an electrical engineer, Gadda devoted his energies to writing. His difficult style, delibe...

Floris, Frans

(Encyclopedia)Floris, Frans fräns flōˈrĭs [key], c.1517–70, Flemish painter, originally named Frans de Vriendt; son of an Antwerp stonecutter. He studied in Liège and Rome. Returning to Antwerp in 1540, he o...

Boscán Almogáver, Juan

(Encyclopedia)Boscán Almogáver, Juan hwän bōskänˈ älmôgäˈvĕr [key], c.1495–1542, Spanish poet. A Catalan aristocrat, Boscán was a literary figure at the court of Ferdinand V. He introduced Italian poe...

Frundsberg, Georg von

(Encyclopedia)Frundsberg, Georg von gāˈôrkh fən fro͝ontsˈbĕrkh [key], 1473–1528, German commander in the service of Holy Roman emperors Maximilian I and Charles V. He was the principal organizer and comman...

Alphonsus Liguori, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Alphonsus Liguori, Saint ălfŏnˈsəs lĭgwôˈrē [key], 1696–1787, Italian churchman, Doctor of the Church. He was named Alfonso Maria de' Liguori. In 1732 he founded the Congregation of the Most...

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