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500 results found

Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis

(Encyclopedia)Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis äNrēˈ lwē düämĕlˈ dü môNsōˈ [key], 1700–1782, French agriculturist and tree expert. He did experimental work on plant physiology and ecology and wrote The...

Failly, Pierre Louis Charles de

(Encyclopedia)Failly, Pierre Louis Charles de pyĕr lwē shärl də fāyēˈ [key], 1810–92, French general. He fought in Algeria, in the Crimean War, and at Magenta and Solferino (1859) in the Italian War. Headi...

Boufflers, Louis François, duc de

(Encyclopedia)Boufflers, Louis François, duc de lwē fräNswäˈ dük də bo͞oflĕrˈ [key], 1644–1711, marshal and peer of France. He served under the French commanders François de Créquy and the vicomte de ...

Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de

(Encyclopedia)Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de lwē äNtwänˈ fōvəlāˈ də bo͞orēĕnˈ [key], 1769–1834, French political figure. He was a friend and for a time (1797–1802) private secretary to Napol...

Boutet de Monvel, Louis Maurice

(Encyclopedia)Boutet de Monvel, Louis Maurice lwē mōrēsˈ bo͞otāˈ də môNvĕlˈ [key], 1851–1913, French painter and illustrator. His fame rests chiefly on his decorative illustrations for children's books...

Bonneville, Benjamin Louis Eulalie de

(Encyclopedia)Bonneville, Benjamin Louis Eulalie de bŏnˈvĭl [key], 1796–1878, American army officer and trader who blazed portions of the Oregon Trail, b. France, grad. West Point, 1815. Acquainted with the fu...

Breton, Jules Adolphe Aimé Louis

(Encyclopedia)Breton, Jules Adolphe Aimé Louis brətôNˈ [key], 1827–1906, French painter of rustic scenes and peasant life. His works frequently reflect a social and humanitarian concern. Breton was the autho...

Broglie, Louis Victor, duc de

(Encyclopedia)Broglie, Louis Victor, duc de, 1892–1987, French physicist. In 1928 he became professor in the faculty of sciences, Univ. of Paris. It was known from the earlier quantum theory that light waves some...

Vendôme, Louis Joseph, duc de

(Encyclopedia)Vendôme, Louis Joseph, duc de dük də väNdōmˈ [key], 1654–1712, marshal of France; grandson of César de Vendôme and son of Laura Mancini. He fought in the War of the Grand Alliance. In the W...

East India Company, French

(Encyclopedia)East India Company, French, 1664–1769, commercial enterprise planned by Jean Baptiste Colbert and chartered by King Louis XIV for the purpose of trading in the Eastern Hemisphere. It failed to found...

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