Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Isabela, ruins, Dominican Republic

(Encyclopedia)Isabela ēsäbāˈlä [key], ruins of a town on the north shore of Hispaniola, in the Dominican Republic, at the base of Cape Isabela. Believed to have been founded by Columbus (c.1494), it was one of...

Childers, Robert Erskine

(Encyclopedia)Childers, Robert Erskine chĭlˈdərz [key], 1870–1922, Irish politician and author. Born into a Protestant family, he was a clerk in the House of Commons (1895–1910). Gradually becoming convinced...


(Encyclopedia)Cashel kăˈshəl [key] [Irish,=castle], town, Co. Tipperary, S central Republic of Ireland. ...


(Encyclopedia)Shannon, principal river of the Republic of Ireland and longest (c.240 mi/390 km) in the British Isles. It rises near Cuilcagh Mt., NW Co. Cavan, and flows S through the Central Plain into Co. Limeric...

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