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500 results found

Charles VII, Holy Roman emperor

(Encyclopedia)Charles VII, 1697–1745, Holy Roman emperor (1742–45) and, as Charles Albert, elector of Bavaria (1726–45). Having married a daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I, he refused to recognize the p...

Dorrego, Manuel

(Encyclopedia)Dorrego, Manuel mänwĕlˈ dôr-rāˈgō [key], 1787–1828, Argentine statesman and soldier, governor of Buenos Aires province (1820, 1827–28). After serving for a time in the War of Independence, ...

Chrysoloras, Manuel

(Encyclopedia)Chrysoloras, Manuel krĭsəlôrˈəs [key], c.1350–1415, Greek teacher and writer, b. Constantinople. Traveling to Italy on a diplomatic mission, he became celebrated for his teaching and introduced...

Altoaguirre, Manuel

(Encyclopedia)Altoaguirre, Manuel mänwĕlˈ ältōägēˈrā [key], 1904–59, Spanish poet, b. Málaga. With his contemporary Emilio Prados he founded the literary journal Litoral. His poetry is distinguished by ...

Montt, Manuel

(Encyclopedia)Montt, Manuel mōnt [key], 1809–80, president of Chile (1851–61). From a poverty-stricken childhood he rose to become one of Chile's most notable jurists. He held many prominent academic and gove...

Odría, Manuel

(Encyclopedia)Odría, Manuel mäno͞oĕlˈ ōdrēˈä [key], 1897–1974, president of Peru (1948–56). A conservative general, he became army chief of staff in 1946 and seized power (1948) after leading an anti-A...

Pardo, Manuel

(Encyclopedia)Pardo, Manuel mänwĕlˈ pärˈdō [key], 1834–78, president of Peru (1872–76). After assisting José Balta in establishing a constitutional government, Pardo succeeded him as president. To recove...

Azaña, Manuel

(Encyclopedia)Azaña, Manuel mänwĕlˈ äthäˈnyä [key], 1880–1940, Spanish statesman. An author and critic, he gained prominence as president (1930) of the Madrid Ateneo, a literary and political club, and ca...

Oribe, Manuel

(Encyclopedia)Oribe, Manuel mänwĕlˈ ōrēˈbā [key], d. 1857, president of Uruguay (1834–38). After serving with José Gervasio Artigas, he became one of the Thirty-three Immortals who raised the standard of ...

Bulnes, Manuel

(Encyclopedia)Bulnes, Manuel mänwĕlˈ bo͞olˈnās [key], 1799–1866, president of Chile (1841–51). He served in the revolt against Spain and commanded the victorious Chilean forces at the battle of Yungay (18...

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