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169 results found

Minucius Felix, Marcus

(Encyclopedia)Minucius Felix, Marcus märˈkəs mĭnyo͞oshˈəs fēˈlĭks [key], fl. 2d cent., Christian apologist, author of a dialogue, Octavius, one of the earliest Latin apologies. In it a pagan and a Christi...

Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius

(Encyclopedia)Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius əgrĭpˈə [key], c.63 b.c.–12 b.c., Roman general. A close friend of Octavian (later Emperor Augustus), he won a name in the wars in Gaul before becoming consul in 37 b....

Varro, Marcus Terentius

(Encyclopedia)Varro, Marcus Terentius, 116 b.c.–27? b.c., Roman man of letters. Known as the most erudite man and the most prolific writer of his times, Varro is estimated to have written about 620 volumes. He se...

Otho, Marcus Salvius

(Encyclopedia)Otho, Marcus Salvius ōˈthō [key], a.d. 32–a.d. 69, Roman emperor (Jan.–April, a.d. 69). He was a friend of Nero, and his wife, Poppaea Sabina, became Nero's mistress; Otho was repaid (a.d. 58) ...

Verrius Flaccus, Marcus

(Encyclopedia)Verrius Flaccus, Marcus märˈkəs vĕrˈēəs flăkˈəs [key], fl. 20 b.c., Roman grammarian. A freedman, he was appointed by Augustus to educate his grandsons and died at an advanced age during the...

Rehan, Ada

(Encyclopedia)Rehan, Ada rēˈən [key], 1860–1916, American actress, b. Ireland. Her original name was Crehan. Rehan came to the United States when she was five. From 1879 to 1899 she was a member of Augustin Da...

Drew, John

(Encyclopedia)Drew, John, 1827–62, American actor, b. Dublin. After establishing a reputation as a comedian in the 1840s, he devoted his energies to the Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, where he maintained a fa...

Skinner, Otis

(Encyclopedia)Skinner, Otis, 1858–1942, American actor, b. Cambridge, Mass. Skinner made his New York debut in 1879. After years as supporting player to Booth and Barrett, he toured with Augustin Daly and later w...


(Encyclopedia)Probus (Marcus Aurelius Probus) prōˈbəs [key], d. 282, Roman emperor (276–82), b. Pannonia. He was governor of the East under Marcus Claudius Tacitus, whom he succeeded as emperor. He defeated th...


(Encyclopedia)Fronto (Marcus Cornelius Fronto) frŏnˈtō [key], fl. 2d cent., Roman teacher and rhetorician, b. Numidia, Africa. Antoninus Pius made him consul in 143. A successful teacher and government official,...

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