Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Kayseri kīˈsĕrēˌ [key], city (1990 pop. 416,276), capital of Kayseri prov., central Turkey, at the foot of Mt. Erciyas. It is an important commercial center and has textile mills, sugar refinerie...


(Encyclopedia)Herculaneum hərkyəlāˈnēəm [key], ancient city of S Italy, on the gulf of Naples at the foot of Mt. Vesuvius. Damaged by an earthquake in a.d. 63, it was completely buried, along with Pompeii, by...


(Encyclopedia)Fontana, city (2020 pop. 208,393), San Bernardino co., S Calif., at the foot of the San Bernardino Mts.; inc. 1952. Fabricated metal products, construct...


(Encyclopedia)Ecbatana ĕkbătˈənə, ĕkbətäˈnə [key], capital of ancient Media, later the summer residence of Achaemenid and Parthian kings, beautifully situated at the foot of Mt. Elvend and NE of Behistun....


(Encyclopedia)Alès älāˈ, älĕsˈ [key], city, Gard dept., S France, in Languedoc, at the foot of the Cévennes Mts., on the Gardon River. Once noted for cloth and silk, its industr...


(Encyclopedia)Claremont. 1 City (2020 pop. 37,266), Los Angeles co., S Calif., in a citrus farm area at the foot of the San Gabriel Mts.; inc. 1907. Mainly ...


(Encyclopedia)entasis ĕnˈtəsĭs [key] [Gr.,=stretching], the slight convex curvature of a classical column that diminishes in diameter as it rises. This device, as used by Greek builders, was of extreme subtlety...


(Encyclopedia)pentathlon pĕntăthˈlən [key], composite athletic event. In ancient Greece it comprised leaping, foot racing, wrestling, discus throwing, and casting the javelin. The modern pentathlon, an Olympic ...


(Encyclopedia)Pau pō [key], city (1990 pop. 83,928), capital of Pyrénées-Atlantiques dept., SW France, at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is a major year-round tourist center, renowned for its spa and winter sports...


(Encyclopedia)trefoil trēˈfoil [key] [O.Fr.,=three-leaf], in botany, name for several plants, chiefly of the pulse family, having trifoliate leaves. Best known of the trefoils is clover. The bird's-foot trefoil (...

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