Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Daye, Stephen

(Encyclopedia)Daye, Stephen, c.1594–1668, British settler in North America, considered by many to be the first printer in the English American colonies. He came to Massachusetts Bay with his family in 1638 under ...

Prince William Sound

(Encyclopedia)Prince William Sound, large, irregular, islanded inlet of the Gulf of Alaska, S Alaska, E of the Kenai peninsula. It has many bays and good harbors; the large Columbia Glacier flows into Columbia Bay,...


(Encyclopedia)Aichi īˈchē [key], prefecture, 1,962 sq mi (5,082 sq km), central Honshu, Japan. Bounded on the S and W by Ise Bay, Aichi consists of a coastal plain (the Nobi Plain) a...

Waterford, county, Republic of Ireland

(Encyclopedia)Waterford wôˈtərfərd [key], county (1991 pop. 91,624), 710 sq mi (1,839 sq km), S Republic of Ireland. The county seat is the port town of Waterford. Although the terrain is largely hilly, there a...

Humber, river, Canada

(Encyclopedia)Humber, river, c.75 mi (120 km) long, rising in the Long Range Mts., W Newfoundland, N.L., Canada, and flowing SE then SW, through Deer Lake, to the Bay of Islands at Corner Brook. ...

Baker Lake

(Encyclopedia)Baker Lake, c.1,000 sq mi (2,590 sq km), Nunavut Territory, Canada, W of Chesterfield Inlet of Hudson Bay. It has a post of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at its western end. ...


(Encyclopedia)Parrsboro, town (1991 pop. 1,634), N N.S., Canada, a port on the north shore of Minas Basin of the Bay of Fundy. It is a local tourist center and an export point for lumber and plywood. ...

Tangier, island, United States

(Encyclopedia)Tangier, island, E Va., in S Chesapeake Bay. Capt. John Smith first visited the island in 1608, and in 1620 settlers arrived from Cornwall, England. Isolated from the mainland, the people of Tangier d...

Moose, river, Canada

(Encyclopedia)Moose, river, c.50 mi (80 km) long, formed in central Ont., Canada, by the Mattagami and Missinaibi rivers. It flows NE to its confluence with the Abitibi River and into SW James Bay near Moosonee. ...


(Encyclopedia)George, river, c.345 mi (560 km) long, rising in a lake on the Quebec-Labrador boundary, E Canada. It flows N through Indian Lake (125 sq mi/324 sq km) to Ungava Bay (an arm of Hudson Strait). ...

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