Columbia Encyclopedia

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Asia Minor

(Encyclopedia)Asia Minor, great peninsula, c.250,000 sq mi (647,500 sq km), extreme W Asia, generally coterminous with Asian Turkey, also called Anatolia. It is washed by the Black Sea in the north, the Mediterrane...


(Encyclopedia)Ghor, Ghowr go͝or [key], mountainous region and province (1979 est. pop. 341,000), 14,085 sq mi (36,479 sq km), W central Afghanistan, including a ruined medieval city of the same name. Chagcharan i...


(Encyclopedia)Nakhchivan or Naxçivan näkˌchĭvänˈ [key], city (1989 pop. 59,754), capital of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Azerbaijan. Its industries include food processing, wine making, and the production ...


(Encyclopedia)Shushtar sho͞oshtärˈ [key], town (1991 pop. 70,294), Khuzestan prov., SW Iran, on the Karun River. It has irrigated agriculture and has long been known for its brocaded textiles, metalwork, and eng...


(Encyclopedia)CE5 Empire of Timur (1405) Timur tămˈərlān [key], c.1336–1405, Mongol conqueror, b. Kesh, near Samarkand. He is also called Timur Leng [Timur the lame]. He was the son of a tribal leader, an...


(Encyclopedia)Kaifeng kī-fŭng [key], city (1994 est. pop. 535,300), NE Henan prov., China, on the Longhai RR. It is a commercial, agricultural, and industrial center. Manufactures include agricultural machinery, ...


(Encyclopedia)Maragheh märägäˈ [key], city (1991 pop. 117,388), East Azerbaijan prov., NW Iran, on the southern slopes of Mt. Sahand. It is the trade and transportation center of a fertile fruit-growing region;...


(Encyclopedia)Farah färäˈ [key], town, capital of Farah prov., W Afghanistan, on the Farah River. Surrou...


(Encyclopedia)Irtysh ĭrtĭshˈ [key], river, c.2,650 mi (4,260 km) long, W Siberian Russia and Kazakhstan. It is the chief tributary of the Ob and one of the two major rivers of W Siberia. As the Ertix, it rises i...


(Encyclopedia)Ardebil ärdəbēlˈ [key], town, NW Iran, near the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is a market center for a fertile agricultural region. Carpets and rugs are produced in the t...

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