Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Speer, Albert

(Encyclopedia)Speer, Albert älˈbĕrt shpār [key], 1905–81, German architect and National Socialist (Nazi) leader. A member of the Nazi party from 1931, he became its official architect after Hitler came to pow...

Koberger, Anton

(Encyclopedia)Koberger, Anton änˈtōn kōˈbĕrˌgûr [key], c.1445–1513, German printer. He established in 1470 the first printery in Nuremberg. In 1483 he produced a German Bible and in 1484 the first book pr...

Keitel, Wilhelm

(Encyclopedia)Keitel, Wilhelm vĭlˈhĕlm kīˈtəl [key], 1882–1946, German general. A supporter of Hitler, he became (1938) chief of staff of the supreme command of the armed forces, a new post that marked the ...

Vischer, Peter

(Encyclopedia)Vischer, Peter fĭshˈər [key], the elder, c.1455–1529, German sculptor, foremost of the bronze founders in Germany. Beginning as the assistant of his father, Hermann Vischer, Peter set up his own...

Family Compact, in French and Spanish history

(Encyclopedia)Family Compact, several alliances between France and Spain in the form of agreements between the French and Spanish branches of the Bourbon family. The first of the three compacts, the Treaty of the E...

Kerschensteiner, Georg Michael

(Encyclopedia)Kerschensteiner, Georg Michael gēˈôrg mĭshˈal kârˈshan-shtīˌnûr [key], 1854–1932, German educational theorist. Educated in Munich, he taught math in Nuremberg and Schweinfurt, he was direc...

Jamnitzer, Wenzel

(Encyclopedia)Jamnitzer, Jamitzer, or Gemniczer, Wenzel vĕnˈtsəl yämˈnĭtsər, yäˈmĭtsər, gĕmˈnĭtsər [key], 1508–85, leading member of a German family of goldsmiths and engravers. Born in Vienna, he ...

Flötner, Peter

(Encyclopedia)Flötner or Flettner, Peter pāˈtər flötˈnər, flĕtˈnər [key], c.1485–1546, German medalist and artisan, possibly Swiss by birth. He was active in decorative sculpture, wood carving, and othe...

Biddle, Francis Beverley

(Encyclopedia)Biddle, Francis Beverley, 1886–1968, U.S. Attorney General (1941–45), b. Paris, France, of American parents. Secretary to Associate Justice O. W. Holmes (1912), he became a successful corporation ...

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