Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Buber, Martin

(Encyclopedia)Buber, Martin bo͞oˈbĕr [key], 1878–1965, Jewish philosopher, b. Vienna. Educated at German ...

Seven Hills

(Encyclopedia)Seven Hills, city (1990 pop. 12,339), Cuyahoga co., N Ohio, a residential suburb of Cleveland, in a hilly area; inc. as a city 1961. Part of its city hall is an old schoolhouse, built in 1861. ...

Irish language

(Encyclopedia)Irish language, also called Irish Gaelic and Erse, member of the Goidelic group of the Celtic subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages (see Celtic languages). The history of Irish as a liter...

Döllinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von

(Encyclopedia)Döllinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von yōˈhän yōˈzĕf ĭgˈnäts fən dölˈĭngər [key], 1799–1890, German theologian and historian, leader of the Old Catholics. Ordained in 1822, he was subsequ...

Saint John, city, Canada

(Encyclopedia)Saint John, city (1991 pop. 74,969), S N.B., Canada, at the mouth of the St. John River on the Bay of Fundy. A year-round port, it has an excellent harbor, large dry docks, and terminal facilities. Th...


(Encyclopedia)monkey, any of a large and varied group of mammals of the primate order. The term monkey includes all primates that do not belong to the categories human, ape, or prosimian; however, monkeys do have c...


(Encyclopedia)Jerusalem jəro͞oˈsələm, –zələm [key], Heb. Yerushalayim, Arab. Al Quds, city (1994 pop. 578,800), capital of Israel. East Jerusalem is also claimed by Palestinians as a future capital, and mo...


(Encyclopedia)Mogok mōˈgôkˌ [key], village, N central Myanmar, on the Shan Plateau. It is the centuries-old center of the Myanmarese ruby trade. ...


(Encyclopedia)Abishag ăbˈəshăg [key], in the Bible, Shunammite woman, David's attendant in his old age and the indirect cause of Adonijah's murder. ...

Jackson, William Henry

(Encyclopedia)Jackson, William Henry, 1843–1942, American artist and pioneer photographer of the West, b. Keeseville, N.Y. After serving with the Union army in the Civil War he traveled overland to California (18...

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