Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Gipson, Lawrence Henry

(Encyclopedia)Gipson, Lawrence Henry gĭpˈsən [key], 1880–1971, American historian, b. Greeley, Colo. A Rhodes scholar, he received his Ph.D. from Yale in 1918 and taught at several schools before becoming (192...

McMaster, John Bach

(Encyclopedia)McMaster, John Bach, 1852–1932, American historian, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. Having practiced engineering in New York City and written two books, McMaster was appointed (1877) an instructor in civil engine...

Ariès, Philippe

(Encyclopedia)Ariès, Philippe, 1914–84, French cultural historian, b. Paris. While at the Sorbonne, he failed a crucial exam necessary for a university career, and instead became an agronomic researcher and late...

Pirenne, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Pirenne, Henri äNrēˈ pērĕnˈ [key], 1862–1935, Belgian historian. He was for many years a professor of history at the Univ. of Ghent. A leader of Belgian passive resistance in World War I, he w...

Droysen, Johann Gustav

(Encyclopedia)Droysen, Johann Gustav yōhänˈ go͝osˈtäf droiˈzən [key], 1808–84, German historian. A member of the Frankfurt Parliament, he was a leading proponent of German unification under the leadership...

Clapham, Sir John Harold

(Encyclopedia)Clapham, Sir John Harold klăpˈəm [key], 1873–1946, English economic historian. He was lecturer, professor and administrator at Cambridge from 1908 to 1943. Outstanding among his many works on Bri...

Greene, Evarts Boutell

(Encyclopedia)Greene, Evarts Boutell ĕvˈərts, bo͞otĕlˈ [key], 1870–1947, American historian, b. Kobe, Japan, where his parents were missionaries, grad. Harvard (B.A., 1890; Ph.D., 1893). He began teaching A...

Frank, Tenney

(Encyclopedia)Frank, Tenney, 1876–1939, American historian, b. Clay Center, Kans. After 1919 he was a professor at Johns Hopkins Among his best-known works are A History of Rome (1923), Economic History of Rome (...

Apollodorus, Greek scholar

(Encyclopedia)Apollodorus (of Athens), fl. 2d cent. b.c., Greek scholar. He wrote many works on grammar, history, and mythology. His best-known books, only fragments of which survive, are On the Gods, a prose treat...

Durant, William James

(Encyclopedia)Durant, William James, 1885–1981, American historian and essayist, b. North Adams, Mass. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia in 1917 and published his doctoral dissertation, Philosophy and the Socia...

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