Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Trogyllium trōjĭlˈēəm [key], promontory, W Asia Minor, jutting out into the Aegean Sea just S of Samos. The Acts of the Apostles reports that St. Paul stopped there. ...


(Encyclopedia)Salmone sălmōˈnē [key], cape, E Crete, now called Pláka. It is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, in the account of Paul's voyage to Rome. ...


(Encyclopedia)Erastus ĭrăsˈtəs [key], in the New Testament. 1 Companion of Paul. 2 Early Christian, probably the same as 1. 3 Chamberlain of Corinth. ...

White Bear Lake

(Encyclopedia)White Bear Lake, city (1990 pop. 24,704), Ramsey and Washington counties, SE Minn., on White Bear Lake; inc. 1922. It is a residential and resort suburb of Minneapolis–St. Paul. Chemicals, medical s...


(Encyclopedia)homolosine həmŏlˈəsĭn, –sīnˌ [key], map projection: see Goode, John Paul. ...

Aquila, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Aquila ăkˈwĭlə, əkwĭlˈə [key], in the New Testament, Christian of Jewish origin from Pontus who lived at Rome. He and his wife, Prisca or Priscilla, were friendly to Paul. ...


(Encyclopedia)Lasea lāsēˈə [key], ancient town of Crete, S of Candia. It was near the harbor called Fair Havens. The Acts of the Apostles reports that it is where Paul landed. Some ruins remain. ...

Aratus, Greek poet

(Encyclopedia)Aratus ərāˈtəs [key], fl. 3d cent. b.c., Greek court poet, from Soli in Cilicia. He wrote an astronomical treatise, Phenomena, which was quoted by Paul at Athens. ...


(Encyclopedia)Silas sīˈləs [key], in the Acts of the Apostles, early Christian leader and companion of Paul on two missionary journeys. Probably he is the Silvanus mentioned frequently in the Letters. ...

Pio of Pietrelcina, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Pio of Pietrelcina, Saint, 1887–1968, Italian Capuchin friar and mystic known as Padre Pio. Born Francesco Forgione, he was a sickly child who experienced visions and ecstasies at a young age and en...

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