Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Gálvez, Bernardo de

(Encyclopedia)Gálvez, Bernardo de bĕrnärˈᵺō dā gälˈvāth [key], c.1746–1786, Spanish governor of Louisiana. He served in the Spanish army before going to Louisiana in 1776 as the young commandant of the...

Gálvez, José de

(Encyclopedia)Gálvez, José de gälˈvāth [key], 1720–87, Spanish colonial administrator. Appointed as a governor in the Philippines in 1750, he later became visitor general to New Spain (1765–72), holding m...

Gálvez, Matías de

(Encyclopedia)Gálvez, Matías de dā gälˈvāth [key], 1717–84, Spanish colonial administrator, captain general of Guatemala (1779), viceroy of New Spain (1783–84); brother of José de Gálvez. He was succee...

Garay, Juan de

(Encyclopedia)Garay, Juan de hwän dā gärīˈ [key], c.1528–1583, Spanish conquistador, refounder of Buenos Aires. He went to Peru (1544) in the train of the first viceroy, Blasco Núñez Vela, and was active a...

Gata, Sierra de

(Encyclopedia)Gata, Sierra de syārˈrä ᵺā gäˈtä [key], mountain range, W Spain. Between the valleys of the Douro and Tagus rivers, it separates León from Extremadura. Its highest point is the Jálama peak ...

Ercole de' Roberti

(Encyclopedia)Ercole de' Roberti ārkôˈlā dā rōbĕrˈtē [key], 1456?–1496, Italian painter of the Ferrarese school. He probably began his career by assisting Francesco Cossa in the decoration of the Schifan...

Escobedo, Juan de

(Encyclopedia)Escobedo, Juan de hwän dā āskōbāˈᵺō [key], d. 1578, Spanish politician, secretary to John of Austria in the Netherlands. He was murdered while on a mission in Madrid. Antonio Pérez was, perh...

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