Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Pydna pĭdˈnə [key], ancient town of Pieria, S Macedonia, Greece, near the Gulf of Salonica. Nearby in 168 b.c. the Romans under Aemilius Paullus defeated the Macedonians under Perseus and thus ende...

Andromeda, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia)Andromeda ăndrŏmˈĭdə [key], in Greek mythology, princess of Ethiopia, daughter of King Cepheus, king of Ethiopia, and Cassiopeia. According to most legends Cassiopeia angered Poseidon by saying t...

King of Prussia

(Encyclopedia)King of Prussia, industrialized suburban area (1990 pop. 18,406), Montgomery co., SE Pa. It has glass and steel fabricating, food processing, printing and publishing, and varied manufacturing (textile...

Antigonus III

(Encyclopedia)Antigonus III (Antigonus Doson) dōˈsŏn, –sən [key], d. 221 b.c., king of Macedon. On the death of Demetrius II he became regent for Demetrius' son Philip (Philip V). He married the widow of Deme...


(Encyclopedia)Danaë dănˈāē [key], in Greek legend, daughter of Acrisius. When it was prophesied that Danaë's son would kill Acrisius, her father imprisoned her in a bronze tower. However, Zeus came to her in ...

Antigonus II

(Encyclopedia)Antigonus II (Antigonus Gonatas) gōnāˈtəs [key], c.320–239 b.c., king of Macedon, son of Demetrius I. He took the title king on his father's death (283) but made good his claim only by defeating...

Duarte, king of Portugal

(Encyclopedia)Duarte dwärˈtə [key], 1391–1438, king of Portugal (1433–38), eldest of the five sons of John I. He was a “philosopher-king,” notable for his legal reforms and as the author of O leal consel...

Alexander, king of Greece

(Encyclopedia)Alexander, 1893–1920, king of the Hellenes (1917–20), second son of Constantine I. After his father's forced abdication, he succeeded to the Greek throne with the support of the Allies, who distru...

Alexander, king of Serbia

(Encyclopedia)Alexander (Alexander Obrenović) ōbrĕˈnəvĭch [key], 1876–1903, king of Serbia (1889–1903), son of King Milan. He succeeded on his father's abdication. Proclaiming himself of age in 1893, he t...

Alexander, king of Yugoslavia

(Encyclopedia)Alexander, 1888–1934, king of Yugoslavia (1921–34), son and successor of Peter I. Of the Karadjordjević family, he was educated in Russia and became crown prince of Serbia upon the renunciation (...

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