Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Bedford, John of Lancaster, duke of

(Encyclopedia)Bedford, John of Lancaster, duke of, 1389–1435, English nobleman; third son of Henry IV of England and brother of Henry V. At the death (1422) of his brother and succession of his 9-month-old nephew...

York, Edmund of Langley, duke of

(Encyclopedia)York, Edmund of Langley, duke of, 1341–1402, fifth son of Edward III of England. He was made (1362) earl of Cambridge, served on expeditions to Spain and France, and married (1372) Isabel, daughter ...

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

(Encyclopedia)Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fraudulent document that reported the alleged proceedings of a conference of Jews in the late 19th cent., at which they discussed plans to overthrow Christianity thr...

Antigonus I

(Encyclopedia)Antigonus I (Antigonus the One-Eyed or Antigonus Cyclops) ăntigˈənəs sīˈklo˘ps [key], 382?–301 b.c., general of Alexander the Great and ruler in Asia. He was made (333 b.c.) governor of Phryg...


(Encyclopedia)Thrace thrās [key], region, 3,310 sq mi (8,575 sq km), SE Europe, occupying the southeastern tip of the Balkan Peninsula and comprising NE Greece, S Bulgaria, and European Turkey. Its boundaries have...


(Encyclopedia)Évvoia yo͞obēˈə [key], island, 1,467 sq mi (3,800 sq km), SE Greece, separated from Boeo...


(Encyclopedia)Lesbos lāzˈvôs [key], island (1991 pop. 87,151), c.630 sq mi (1,630 sq km), E Greece, in the Aegean Sea near Turkey. A fertile island, it has vast olive groves and also produces wheat, wine, and ci...


(Encyclopedia)Chedorlaomer kĕdˈərlāˈōmər, –lāōˈ– [key], in the Bible, king of Elam. With him were allied Amraphel, king of Shinar; Arioch, king of Ellasar; and Tidal, “king of nations.” They attac...


(Encyclopedia)Gyanendra gyänĕnˈdrə [key], 1947–, last king of Nepal (2001–8). Second son of King Mahendra (r. 1955–72) and brother of King Birendra (r. 1972–2001), Gyanendra was a businessman whose asse...

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