Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Commonwealth games

(Encyclopedia)Commonwealth games, series of amateur athletic meets held among citizens of countries in the Commonwealth of Nations. Originated (1930) as the British Empire games, the series is held every four years...

Anson, George Anson, Baron

(Encyclopedia)Anson, George Anson, Baron, 1697–1762, British admiral. In his famous voyage (1740–44) around the world, Anson, in spite of shipwrecks and scurvy, inflicted great damage on Spanish shipping and re...

Hoccleve, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Hoccleve or Occleve, Thomas hŏkˈlēv, ŏkˈ– [key], c.1368–c.1450, English poet, an imitator of Chaucer. He was a clerk in the office of the Privy Seal. His longest work, The Regiment of Princes...

Guardi, Francesco

(Encyclopedia)Guardi, Francesco fränchāsˈkō gwärˈdē [key], 1712–93, Venetian landscape and architectural painter. A follower of Canaletto, he developed a freer style of great brilliance. Guardi's work rang...

Frunze, Mikhail Vasilyevich

(Encyclopedia)Frunze, Mikhail Vasilyevich mēkhəyēlˈ vəsēˈlyəvĭch fro͞onˈzĕ [key], 1885–1925, Russian general. A revolutionary, he was exiled (1914) to Siberia but returned to take part in the October ...

Lenox, James

(Encyclopedia)Lenox, James lĕnˈəks [key], 1800–1880, American bibliophile and philanthropist, b. New York City. Lenox was a founder of the Presbyterian Hospital, New York City. He amassed a fine collection of ...

Abbott, Lyman

(Encyclopedia)Abbott, Lyman, 1835–1922, American clergyman and editor, b. Roxbury, Mass., son of Jacob Abbott. He was ordained a minister in 1860 and was pastor in several churches before succeeding Henry Ward Be...

Smith, Gerrit

(Encyclopedia)Smith, Gerrit, 1797–1874, American reformer, b. Utica, N.Y. He spent much of his fortune in various reforms, most notably abolition. He was an organizer of the Liberty party and was candidate for go...

Sargon, king of Assyria

(Encyclopedia)Sargon, d. 705 b.c., king of Assyria (722–705 b.c.), successor to Shalmaneser V. He completed Shalmaneser's siege of Samaria in 721 b.c., thus destroying the northern Israelite kingdom forever. In 7...

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan

(Encyclopedia)Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan kōˈnən, kŏnˈən [key], 1859–1930, British author and creator of Sherlock Holmes, b. Edinburgh. Educated at the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh, he received a medical degree...

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