Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Innocent II

(Encyclopedia)Innocent II, d. 1143, pope (1130–43), a Roman named Gregorio Papareschi; successor of Honorius II. He was created cardinal by Paschal II. On the death of Honorius II, a faction of the cardinals elec...


(Encyclopedia)Fritigern frĭtˈĭgûrn [key], d. 380, Visigothic chieftain. An intermittent rival of Athanaric for leadership of the Visigoths, he adopted Arian Christianity (see Arianism) and thus gained the suppo...

Jiménez de Cisneros, Francisco

(Encyclopedia)Jiménez de Cisneros, Francisco fränthēsˈkō hēmāˈnāth dā thēsnāˈrōs [key], 1436–1517, Spanish prelate and statesman, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. An austere Franciscan, he was...

Abell, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Abell or Abel, Thomas both: āˈbəl [key], d. 1540, English priest, chaplain to Katharine of Aragón. In 1528 he served as Katharine's secret envoy to her nephew, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, in con...

Charles, archduke of Austria

(Encyclopedia)Charles, 1771–1847, archduke of Austria; brother of Holy Roman Emperor Francis II. Despite his epilepsy, he was the ablest Austrian commander in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars; however...

Mexico, National Autonomous University of

(Encyclopedia)Mexico, National Autonomous University of, at Mexico City, Mexico; founded 1551 by the Spanish king Charles I (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V). It has faculties of accounting and business administration...

Bruno, Saint, 925–65, German churchman and statesman

(Encyclopedia)Bruno, Saint bro͞oˈnō [key], 925–65, German churchman and statesman; brother and chief adviser of the first Holy Roman emperor, Otto I, whose chancellor he was from c.950. He was made (953) archb...


(Encyclopedia)Carausius kərôshˈēəs [key], d. 293, Gallo-Roman military commander. He was stationed in Gaul, but Emperor Maximian suspected him of conspiring with the Germans and condemned him to death. Carausi...


(Encyclopedia)Suetonius (Caius Suetonius Tranquillus) swētōˈnēəs [key], c.a.d. 69–c.a.d. 140, Roman biographer. Little is known about his life except that he was briefly the private secretary of Emperor Hadr...


(Encyclopedia)Pulcheria pəlkērˈēə [key], 399–453, Roman empress of the East (414–53), daughter of Arcadius and Eudoxia. She became coruler with her brother, Theodosius II, and regent in 414. Theodosius rem...

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