Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Pérez, Antonio

(Encyclopedia)Pérez, Antonio äntôˈnyō pāˈrĕth [key], b. 1534 or 1539, d. 1611, Spanish politician. Ambitious and unscrupulous, he became secretary to King Philip II and was, with the princesa de Éboli, a c...

Fackenthal, Frank Diehl

(Encyclopedia)Fackenthal, Frank Diehl făkˈənthôl [key], 1883–1968, American educator, b. Hellertown, Pa., grad. Columbia, 1906. He served Columbia as chief clerk (1906–10), secretary (1910–37), and provos...

Mayno, Juan Bautista

(Encyclopedia)Mayno or Maino, Juan Bautista hwän boutēsˈtä mīˈnō [key], 1578–1649, Spanish painter. He entered the Dominican order in Toledo, where he is thought to have studied with El Greco. He was drawi...

Elizabeth of Valois

(Encyclopedia)Elizabeth of Valois vălˈwä, Fr. välwäˈ [key], 1545–68, queen of Spain, daughter of Henry II of France. Originally intended to wed Don Carlos, son of Philip II of Spain, she was married (1559) ...

Benedict XI

(Encyclopedia)Benedict XI, d. 1304, pope (1303–4), an Italian (b. Treviso) named Niccolo Boccasini; successor of Boniface VIII. Prior to his election he had been master general of the Dominican order. As pope he ...

Carlos, prince of the Asturias

(Encyclopedia)Carlos, 1545–68, prince of the Asturias, son of Philip II of Spain and Maria of Portugal. Don Carlos, who seems to have been mentally unbalanced and subject to fits of homicidal mania, was imprisone...

Joanna, Spanish queen of Castile

(Encyclopedia)Joanna (Joanna the Mad), 1479–1555, Spanish queen of Castile and León (1504–55), daughter of Ferdinand II and Isabella I. She succeeded to Castile and León at the death of her mother. Ferdinand ...

Haley, Alex

(Encyclopedia)Haley, Alex (Alexander Murray Palmer Haley), 1921–92, American writer, b. Ithaca, N.Y. Haley was for a time one of the most famous writers in the United States as the author of Roots: The Saga of an...

Smith, George Elwood

(Encyclopedia)Smith, George Elwood, 1930–, American physicist, b. White Plains, N.Y., Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1959. Smith was a researcher at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, N.J., from 1959 until his retiremen...

Störmer, Horst Ludwig

(Encyclopedia)Störmer, Horst Ludwig, 1949–, German physicist, Ph.D. Univ. of Stuttgart, 1977. He joined the research staff at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, N.J., in 1978. Störmer and Daniel Tsui were co-recipients,...

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