Columbia Encyclopedia

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Dartmouth, town, United States

(Encyclopedia)Dartmouth, residential and resort town (2020 pop. 33,783), Bristol co., SE Mass., on Buzzards Bay, in a dairy region; settled c.1650, inc. 1664. Farming...

Aldana, Francisco de

(Encyclopedia)Aldana, Francisco de fränthēsˈkō ᵺā äldäˈnä [key], 1537–78, Spanish general, diplomat, and poet, b. Alcántara or Naples. He symbolizes the ideal of the Spanish Renaissance. As a soldier ...


(Encyclopedia)Aranjuez äränghwāthˈ [key], town, Madrid prov., central Spain, on the Tagus River. As a market for the irrigated horticulture nearby, it is known for its asparagus and...

Ware, Isaac

(Encyclopedia)Ware, Isaac, d. 1766, English architect of the Georgian period. After travels in Italy he was employed in 1729 as clerk of the works at Windsor Castle. For Philip, earl of Chesterfield, he built (1749...

Werve, Claus van de

(Encyclopedia)Werve, Claus van de klous vän də vĕrˈvə [key], d. 1439, Flemish sculptor. The nephew and student of Claus Sluter, Werve succeeded his uncle as chief sculptor to Philip the Bold, whose tomb he des...

Farnese, Alessandro

(Encyclopedia)Farnese, Alessandro färnāˈzā [key], 1545–92, duke of Parma and Piacenza (1586–92), general and diplomat in the service of Philip II of Spain. He was the son of Duke Ottavio Farnese and Margar...


(Encyclopedia)Isabella, 1296–1358, queen consort of Edward II of England, daughter of Philip IV of France. She married Edward in 1308. Neglected and mistreated by her husband, Isabella nourished hatred for the ro...


(Encyclopedia)Sebastian, 1554–78, king of Portugal (1557–78), grandson and successor of John III. He was under the regency first of his grandmother (until 1562) and then of his uncle Henry (a cardinal and later...

Armada, Spanish

(Encyclopedia)Armada, Spanish ärmäˈdə [key], 1588, fleet launched by Philip II of Spain for the invasion of England, to overthrow the Protestant Elizabeth I and establish Philip on the English throne; also call...

Kenyatta, Jomo

(Encyclopedia)Kenyatta, Jomo jōˈmō kĕnyäˈtə [key], 1893?–1978, African political leader, first president of Kenya (1964–78). A Kikuyu, he was one of the earliest and best-known African nationalist leader...

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