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Italian architecture

(Encyclopedia)Italian architecture, the several styles employed in Italy after the Roman period. Nineteenth-century Italian architecture, such as Giuseppe Sacconi's Victor Emmanuel monument, shows a decline in qu...


(Encyclopedia)antipope [Lat.,=against the pope], person elected pope whose election was declared uncanonical and in opposition to a canonically chosen pontiff. Important antipopes were Novatian; Clement III (see Gu...

Innocent II

(Encyclopedia)Innocent II, d. 1143, pope (1130–43), a Roman named Gregorio Papareschi; successor of Honorius II. He was created cardinal by Paschal II. On the death of Honorius II, a faction of the cardinals elec...

Sebastiano del Piombo

(Encyclopedia)Sebastiano del Piombo sābästyäˈnō dĕl pyômˈbō [key], c.1485–1547, Italian painter of the Venetian school, whose real name was Sebastiano Luciani. Although he was trained by Giovanni Bellini...


(Encyclopedia)Pistoia pēstôˈyä [key], city (1991 pop. 87,830), capital of Pistoia prov., Tuscany, central Italy, at the foot of the Apennines. It is an agricultural and industrial center. Manufactures include l...

Celestine V, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Celestine V, Saint, 1215–96, pope (elected July 5, resigned Dec. 13, 1294), an Italian (b. Isernia) named Pietro del Murrone; successor of Nicholas IV. Celestine's election ended a two-year deadlock...


(Encyclopedia)Fabriano fäbrēäˈnō [key], town, in the Marche, central Italy, in the Apennines. It is an ...


(Encyclopedia)Pleiku or Play Ku both: plāko͞oˈ [key], town, central Vietnam. A highway junction for roads going east (to Quy Nhon), west (to Cambodia), north (to Da Nang), and south (to Ho Chi Minh City), it was...

Bassano, Jacopo

(Encyclopedia)Bassano, Jacopo yäˈkōpō bäs-säˈnō [key], c.1515–1592, Venetian painter, whose original name was Jacopo, or Giacomo, da Ponte, b. Bassano, Italy. Bassano first studied with his father, France...

De Predis, Ambrogio

(Encyclopedia)De Predis, Ambrogio ämbrōˈjō dā prāˈdēs [key] c.1455–c.1506, Milanese painter. He worked under Leonardo da Vinci and copied many of his paintings. He also executed several portraits of the S...

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