Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

United Church of Canada

(Encyclopedia)United Church of Canada, Protestant denomination formed in 1925 by the union of the Methodist, Congregational, and Presbyterian churches in Canada. A large number of Presbyterian congregations, howeve...

United Church of Christ

(Encyclopedia)United Church of Christ, American Protestant denomination formed in 1957 by a merger of the General Council of Congregational Christian Churches (see Congregationalism) and the Evangelical and Reforme...

South India, Church of

(Encyclopedia)South India, Church of, Indian Protestant church, formed in 1947 by the merger of Anglican dioceses in India, Myanmar, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka); the Methodist Church of South India; and the South India ...

Scotland, Free Church of

(Encyclopedia)Scotland, Free Church of, the secessionist Presbyterian church established as a result of the great disruption of 1843 in the Church of Scotland. The cause of the separation lay in the demand of the l...


(Encyclopedia)Magnificat măgnĭfˈĭkăt [key] [Lat.,=magnifies], song of the Virgin Mary, beginning “Magnificat anima mea Dominum” [my soul doth magnify the Lord], from Luke 1.46–55. It is the daily vesper ...

Manning, Henry Edward

(Encyclopedia)Manning, Henry Edward, 1808–92, English churchman, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. Ordained a Catholic priest, Manning became a celebrated confessor, an ardent advocate of prison reform, a...

anointing of the sick

(Encyclopedia)anointing of the sick, sacrament of the Orthodox Eastern Church and the Roman Catholic Church, formerly known as extreme unction. In it a sick or dying person is anointed on eyes, ears, nostrils, lips...

García Moreno, Gabriel

(Encyclopedia)García Moreno, Gabriel gäbrēĕlˈ gärsēˈä mōrāˈnō [key], 1821–75, president of Ecuador (1861–65, 1869–75), b. Guayaquil. A conservative with deep religious convictions, he gradually c...

Alban, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Alban, Saint ôlˈbən [key], 3d or 4th cent., traditionally the first British martyr. He lived and died at Verulamium, now St. Albans. In 793 an abbey was founded there in his honor. Feast: Roman Cat...

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