Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Paul-Boncour, Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Paul-Boncour, Joseph zhôzĕfˈ pōl-bôNko͞orˈ [key], 1873–1972, French statesman. Although a Socialist, he remained independent of party ties from 1931 to 1945. He was permanent French delegate ...

Kilham, Alexander

(Encyclopedia)Kilham, Alexander kĭlˈəm [key], 1762–98, English Methodist minister, founder of the Methodist New Connection. He took a leading part in Methodist affairs after the death of John Wesley, advocatin...

Visconti-Venosta, Emilio, marchese di

(Encyclopedia)Visconti-Venosta, Emilio, marchese di āmēˈlyō märkāˈzā dē vēskônˈtē-vānôˈstä [key], 1829–1914, Italian patriot and statesman. At first a follower of Giuseppe Mazzini, he broke with ...

Rupp, Adolph Frederick

(Encyclopedia)Rupp, Adolph Frederick, 1901–77, American college basketball coach, b. Halstead, Kans. He attended the Univ. of Kansas (grad. 1923), and began coaching at the Univ. of Kentucky in 1930, leading the ...

Beck, Ludwig

(Encyclopedia)Beck, Ludwig lo͞otˈvĭkh bĕk [key], 1880–1944, German general, leader of resistance to Hitler. A highly cultivated career soldier, he served on the general staff during World War I and by 1933 ha...

Salandra, Antonio

(Encyclopedia)Salandra, Antonio äntôˈnyō sälänˈdrä [key], 1853–1931, Italian premier (1914–16). He entered parliament as a moderate conservative (1886), held various cabinet posts from 1891 to 1910, and...


(Encyclopedia)Scarborough, town (1991 pop. 36,665), and borough and district, North Yorkshire, NE England, on the North Sea. The town, primarily a resort, is also an important conference and retirement center. The ...

Bascom, Henry Bidleman

(Encyclopedia)Bascom, Henry Bidleman băsˈkəm [key], 1796–1850, American Methodist minister and college president, b. Hancock, N.Y. At the age of 17 he became a preacher in the Ohio Methodist Conference and was...

Steyn, Martinus Theunis

(Encyclopedia)Steyn, Martinus Theunis märtēˈnəs töˈnĭs stīn [key], 1857–1916, last president (1896–1900) of the Orange Free State (see Free State), educated in the Netherlands and in England. He was adm...

Robertson, Sir Dennis

(Encyclopedia)Robertson, Sir Dennis, 1890–1963, British economist, grad. Trinity College, Cambridge. A professor at Cambridge (1944–57), he also handled Anglo-American financial relationships during World War I...

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