Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Morris, Richard Brandon

(Encyclopedia)Morris, Richard Brandon, 1904–89, American historian, b. New York City. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia in 1930, taught (1927–49) at the College of the City of New York, became a professor at ...

Morris, Richard Valentine

(Encyclopedia)Morris, Richard Valentine, 1768–1815, American naval officer, b. Morrisania, N.Y. (now part of the Bronx); son of Lewis Morris (1726–98). After the American Revolution he entered the navy and was ...

Lepsius, Karl Richard

(Encyclopedia)Lepsius, Karl Richard rĭkhˈärt lĕpˈsēo͝os [key], 1810–84, German Egyptologist and philologist. He made an expedition (1842–45) to the Nile valley and Sudan and as a result of his excavation...

Lethaby, William Richard

(Encyclopedia)Lethaby, William Richard lĕthˈəbē [key], 1857–1931, English architect. He was a founder and first principal (1893–1911) of the London County Council Central School of Arts and Crafts, and prof...

Johnson, Emory Richard

(Encyclopedia)Johnson, Emory Richard, 1864–1950, American economist, b. Waupun, Wis., Ph.D. Univ. of Pennsylvannia, 1893. He joined the faculty of the Univ. of Pennsylvania in 1893 and was dean of its Wharton Sch...

Johnson, Richard Mentor

(Encyclopedia)Johnson, Richard Mentor, 1780–1850, Vice President of the United States (1837–41), b. Kentucky, on the site of present Louisville. Admitted (1802) to the bar, he became prominent in state politics...

Johnson, Richard W.

(Encyclopedia)Johnson, Richard W., 1827–97, Union general in the Civil War, b. Livingston co., Ky., grad. West Point, 1849. Before the Civil War he served principally on the frontier. Johnson, made a brigadier ge...

Johnston, Richard Malcolm

(Encyclopedia)Johnston, Richard Malcolm, 1822–98, American author, b. Hancock co., Ga., grad. Mercer Univ., 1841. He is known for his stories and sketches of rural Georgia, of which the collection Dukesborough Ta...

Kandel, Eric Richard

(Encyclopedia)Kandel, Eric Richard, 1929–, American neurobiologist, b., Vienna, Austria, M.D. New York Univ., 1956. Kandel was at the Harvard Medical School (1960–65) and New York Univ. (1965–74) before joini...

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