Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Adam, Robert

(Encyclopedia)Adam, Robert ădˈəm [key], 1728–92, and James Adam, 1730–94, Scottish architects, brothers. They designed important public and private buildings in England and Scotland and numerous interiors, p...

Dome of the Rock

(Encyclopedia)Dome of the Rock: see Islamic art and architecture. ...


(Encyclopedia)Reims or Rheims răNs, rēmz [key], city (1990 pop. 185,164), Marne dept., NE France, in Champagne. The center of the champagne industry, Reims is situated amid large vineyards. Before the champagne i...

Basil I

(Encyclopedia)Basil I (Basil the Macedonian) băzˈəl, bāˈzəl [key], c.813–886, Byzantine emperor (867–86). His ancestors probably were Armenians or Slavs who settled in Macedonia. He became (c.856) the fav...


(Encyclopedia)Tallmadge, city (1990 pop. 14,870), Summit co., NE Ohio, an industrial suburb E of Akron; settled 1807, inc. 1950. Its historic architecture includes a 19th-century Congregational church near the city...

Gibbs, James

(Encyclopedia)Gibbs, James, 1682–1754, English architect, b. Scotland, studied in Rome under Carlo Fontana. Returning to England in 1709, he was appointed a member of the commission authorized to build 50 churche...

Lemercier, Jacques

(Encyclopedia)Lemercier, Jacques zhäk ləmĕrsyāˈ [key], c.1585–1654, French architect, one of the group that evolved a classical mode of expression for French architecture. In Italy (c.1607–1614) he was str...

Campbell, Colin

(Encyclopedia)Campbell, Colin, d. 1729, Scottish architect, who, in England, became one of the initiators of the Neo-Palladian movement. Campbell's most important contribution to this revival of classicizing archit...

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